Is it just me, or do you get bored of someone sending you a long essay for
a first message? I never bother to read it, cos gurantee probably bore you
to death in real life.
Not here to read a novel, make it nice simple and direct.
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Comments (234)
1444888 - 09 Jul, 2021 - 08:01AM
ExoticOrchid - 08 Jul, 2021 - 12:35PM
Yes that is true....
A have a male friend who introduced me to this site and we exchange messages.
ExoticOrchid - 08 Jul, 2021 - 12:35PM
orchid1967 - 08 Jul, 2021 - 11:28AM
I guess the profile name says it all really ... anyway, how do you know since women can't message each other???
orchid1967 - 08 Jul, 2021 - 11:28AM
Its not only the length of the message, but also when you get several messages, text, photos, then for no reason whatsoever, one gets ghosted and blocked. Bored_mum 45 from Avon does this a lot, so gents don't waste your time.....
Bereweeke - 08 Jul, 2021 - 10:53AM
A couple of weeks ago I received a message "Hi". I normally will respond to all messages but this flummoxed me. The following day I received the same message. I did respond to tell the gentleman that it was the most uninspiring message I had ever received on IE. Thanks but no thanks.
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Teresa di Vicenzo - 07 Jul, 2021 - 07:45PM
No I don’t get bored of reading a longer first message.
I’d rather read a number of lines than just a brief ‘u like oral’ or whatever. I like longer intros on profiles too. Those paragraphs can give almost as much info about a person as I need to know to know to help me decide whether I want to converse prior to a possible meet or not.
Profiles and messages that show the person has a personality, a couple of brain cells and ideally make me smile a bit are, in my opinion, worth their weight in gold.
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1449137 - 07 Jul, 2021 - 06:48PM
I think people miss the point about messages, the ability to disseminate information or writing something of moderate length with articulation, wit and reasoning all in conjuction with patience and impulse control are strong signs of intelligence.
Now go read the numerous studies on the connection between intelligent people and how good they are in bed.
Putting in some effort into a message is hardly taxing but if you are too impatient to read a extra few lines and take the time to reply with consideration, i have bad news for you...
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ExoticOrchid - 07 Jul, 2021 - 03:46PM
Wirelessx - 07 Jul, 2021 - 01:26PM
" (it's my profile, I wrote it, you don't need to tell what I've written)"
It is to show that they have actually read your profile as many women complain about the men messaging them without having read their profiles!!!
I have read many men's profiles where they will say "please quote the following word/sentence when you message me" as proof that you have actually read their profile.
My goodness, the men really can't win on here, can they!!!
1452057 - 07 Jul, 2021 - 01:26PM
I don't mind a long message as long as it has sense. I don't understand why people write long, pointless emails paraphrasing their profiles and pointing out what you've written in yours (it's my profile, I wrote it, you don't need to tell what I've written). And then there's the non personalised emails that I normally ignore or respond with a sarcastic "thanks for the information" response.
1455817 - 07 Jul, 2021 - 09:29AM
I’m similar to you, I share more info so the other person gets a better understanding of who they are messaging but I guess some people don’t need the details. Your profile is nice and represents you well, i’m guessing you’ve just not come across an ideal match. Likewise, the search continues
1455817 - 07 Jul, 2021 - 09:26AM
I’m in the same boat, don’t get much info back, to me it shows a lack of interest or willingness to engage. I think i’m always asking the questions.. I question wether it’s me but I imagine you’ve just not clicked with the right person. It’s difficult finding a match in the real world let alone online, in secret without being able to see them.. the search continues
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