Get me out!!
Yes, I have met someone via the site and I want to meet them. We have had quick 30 minute coffees in the park but now I want to spend some real time with her. Does an office meeting seem a plausible excuse if I'm working from home since March?
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Comments (86)
ExoticOrchid - 12 Nov, 2020 - 10:55AM
Why not start dropping hints here and there about how there is talk of some going back to the office every once in a while, etc, etc and take it from there.
[as for not using the hotel shower gels, etc as pointed out by anonymouse-1 ... I just don't know why people do that ... a quick wash, absolutely, but you are suppose to be going home after a day at the office, etc ... you are not expected to come home all fresh and squeaky clean for goodness sake!!!]
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1320953 - 12 Nov, 2020 - 10:45AM
I think the previous advise is to keep the lies as close to the truth as possible
Don't go to far from where work is... Don't want an accident or speeding ticket somewhere you aren't suppose to be
Wear work wear and keep to work hours
Don't use the hotel shower gels ect. I know someone that got caught because they didn't smell right...
Its simply a matter of being as true to your normal day as possible.
I hope you are successful on your new friendship
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241014 - 12 Nov, 2020 - 09:28AM
The best lies are based on a grain of truth.
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1413217 - 12 Nov, 2020 - 09:11AM
I think you answered your own question there.
If you are going to cheat, its all a big lie, so be ready! KISS...Keep it Simple Stupid. The simpler the subterfuge, the lies and slight of hand, the less likely you are to get caught out.
Interesting point made yesterday was don't speed to and from your date, that's one to watch!
Its better to have an add on, took longer to service or wasn't ready. Don't use held up in traffic, its easy to check these days. Shopping is always a good cop out, so busy in shop, had to wait for service and go back to collect. Evening subterfuge is the big danger area especially if your legitimate partner knows your work or social circle. I have used a friend in the know as cover, though the risk is you may, just may have to kill them later, ( I jest).
In brief, just keep it simple, KISS and at least a veneer of truth.
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1421094 - 12 Nov, 2020 - 09:10AM
You can get away with this if you sell it. A lot of companies, mine included are calling staff in on a part time basis. So think it through. If you were called in, would you be expected to be suited and booted or would it be casual. Make sure that you leave and return at the right time. Also thing of the people you've met and how the office was set up. My office has social distancing, hand wipes and wearing of masks while you walk around.
It is doable but you must make sure that your alibi is solid.
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1421217 - 12 Nov, 2020 - 09:06AM
Of course it does , just add bells to it just in case wife’s having an off day ,
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