Back to normal?
How does everybody feel about meets? With the Oxford vaccine out on Monday I'm feeling pretty confident we'll be back to normalacy by Feb. I can't wait to get dressed up, wine and dine, enjoy the buzz of the city nightlife. Second Roaring Twenties!
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Comments (49)
Dejavous - 01 Jan, 2021 - 11:38AM
February unlikely, April possibly, June likely........just being realistic. Don't fall into the trap of over promising and under delivering which has been a feature of some of our notable politicians!
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1421217 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 11:36AM
It’s not a , quick jab ! . It doesn’t cure /eradicate it , it will be months before they know if it works on any level . Why people/ governments can’t just say the truth , We don’t really know , but we are trying everything.
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SheWhoDaresWins - 01 Jan, 2021 - 11:29AM
It may not be entirely normal, but it will be a BETTER normal than now that's for sure.
I suspect restaurants and bars will be able to operate again sometime in jan, and then it's just up to us how we want to act. I for a fact will be dating as soon as we're in a lower tier and can go out on dates, you can't stop living from fear of a 'plague' with a 98.54% survival rate.
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Liltink - 01 Jan, 2021 - 11:25AM
By Feb thats very optimistic
Not sure they'll have enough vaccinated by then .... I doubt much will change til the latter part of the year
1427386 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 11:23AM
No way will things be back to normal in Feb. I won’t be able to get the vaccine til Dec 21 apparently!
Wild & Free - 01 Jan, 2021 - 10:42AM
@Timidly Tremulous - I second that :'D
we've all got lockdown fever, it'll be a rather racey race when we're free!
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1426763 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 10:39AM
I think it all depends how soon they can give everyone a quick jab..
But there must be a lot of pent up desire out there...
He said, hopefully...
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1421217 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 10:31AM
In March if we lock down , we will be ok by summer , in summer if we close all entertainment we’ll be ok by winter , if we all have a vaccine we’ll be ok by Easter , there’s no cure all , and goal posts are being moved all the time . We really do have to suck it and see ! . Pun intended . but we will all be putting on our heels , and suits at some point that’s our spirit here’s to 2021 . What could possibly happen 😀
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1413217 - 01 Jan, 2021 - 10:17AM
All vaccinations are a good thing and this one will get us to a safer place I'm sure. February is a bit soon I guess and having got this far we need to remain sensibly cautious. That said my pulse is lifting a little at the thought of more freedom, good times and fun.
It will be lovely not to hear someone cough and think, "plague!!!"
Getting dressed up may be a challenge for some, all that lockdown comfort eating and the tier4 boozers!
Happy new year to you all, and keep it classy eh?
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