Would love to hear other people's views on single persons preferences on married dating? Many thanks.
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Comments (112)
1413217 - 03 Jan, 2021 - 10:20AM
As an "attached" person I think this is a, "minefield".
I would be alarmed at the lack of mutually required and accepted discretion. I can commit to an affair, "happily" but another full on relationship or the potential of that, I really don't want. "Cake and eat it"? Maybe!
If I wanted to meet singles I would use a singles site where I would be honest that I'm a "wrong un" or a "bad egg". Im looking for a,"Partner in Grime" !
Love to you all!
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Caroline Red - 03 Jan, 2021 - 10:01AM
Yeah don't date a single person if you're attached and vice versa. It will end in tears.
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