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Would love to hear other people's views on single persons preferences on married dating? Many thanks.

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Comments (112)

ExoticOrchid - 24 Mar, 2021 - 06:59PM

Oh here we go again! šŸ™„

YUD ... thank you ... as you say, the same goes for single women who don't want another husband ... or even a boyfriend ... married men don't expect much and you get all the best bits (no pun intended, haha) from them.

I know a few female single friends who have been on singles sites ... full of married men pretending to be single ... some single men I've met on IE say the singles sites are full of women looking for a husband.

Horses for courses!

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Teresa di Vicenzo - 24 Mar, 2021 - 06:36PM

YUD : I said I didnā€™t understand! Thank you, I get it now! All clearer albeit I still favour the married man so weā€™re both singing from the same hymn sheet so to speak.

1386735 - 24 Mar, 2021 - 05:10PM


Why not be on here if youā€™re single. If I was I would definitely consider this site. For the married woman, single men can be much more appealing as you donā€™t have the guilt thing, you possibly have another option re hotel meets. As a single man, many donā€™t want a full on relationship particularly if they have just separated or divorced. Iā€™ve only ever met married men on here, and possibly thatā€™s been my downfall. I just canā€™t cope with their guilt and all the other shit that comes with it.

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Teresa di Vicenzo - 24 Mar, 2021 - 05:02PM

This is a married persons dating site. I understand that some may not be married, they may be cohabiting, but Iā€™m not sure why anyone completely single would choose to join a married site. There are many, many single persons sites, and Iā€™m sure whatever relationship is desired could be found more easily and successfully from there. Unless the single person is particularly searching for a married partner, in which case, why? I genuinely donā€™t understand why.
Iā€™m married and Iā€™d be very reluctant to hook up with anyone who isnā€™t ā€˜with someoneā€™. Iā€™d feel more comfortable with someone who has, in my view, as much to lose as I do.

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Lysistrata - 15 Mar, 2021 - 07:07AM

I'm neurodivergent meaning, living with someone or even, just having a boyfriend (when I was still single) was problematic for me. Married men gives me the time & space I need to be independent & to grow, on my

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1421217 - 06 Mar, 2021 - 06:08PM

@sigmaguy. Find a new word pleaseeee, Iā€™m sick of hearing narcissist. . If your not careful weā€™ll think you are the n?:;()sist šŸ˜

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CarolN - 06 Mar, 2021 - 05:23PM

I'm single. For me it's knowing I can be with someone who won't (can't) demand of me more than I can give. I need my space, have a very demanding job which some men don't understand or appreciate. A married man has no choice but to give me the space I need combined with the passion and craving I get from him when we do get together. Also (hypocritical of me) I have such a good girl image so being with a married man means no guy is out there sharing how he's getting with me and all those claims (true and false). I don't know if this makes sense?

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DalieS - 06 Mar, 2021 - 04:46PM

It depends on what you're looking for. If its an exit or escape from your marriage I guess it matters less if the person is single or married especially if you want it to become long term and may leave your marriage for them. If you don't want to jeopardise your marriage but want to date, its more about discretion and understanding the situation, I think that's why I'd prefer dating a married man

discerningfitfun - 11 Feb, 2021 - 10:24AM

I treat someone with less to lose through the exposure of an affair with caution.

But never say never.

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1433297 - 09 Feb, 2021 - 07:15PM

What a strange comment. Why would single guys be narcissists? Most of us have no desire to be in anything other than a fun friendship with none of the controlling pressure from either side.

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