What have you ...
... learned about yourself (and other people) since you joined IE? 🤔
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Comments (171)
Paula99 - 13 Mar, 2024 - 05:33AM
You can’t please everyone…😕
Not everyone is as ‘open minded’ as they describe…
Not everyone is emotionally mature …
Working from home isolates people and most can’t interact with others…
The profiles don’t equal the person …
No one thinks about the logistics of having an affair ..
Some think that having one affair about 5 years ago means they ready to do it again ..😕
Living in each others pockets makes it very difficult..
Being picky is a good thing …
Last of all if you have a long list of expectations then you will fail miserably..
Good luck to all 😁
CatsPyjamas - 29 Dec, 2023 - 02:55PM
Women never explain what is wrong with you, just blank you. Do I need to improve my photos, is my intro text too dull, too bland, trying to emphasize the wrong thing, not sexy enough? I have zero clues to go by. Thinking of giving up soon. I have had zero successes.
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Blowyamind - 28 Dec, 2023 - 10:21PM
To always be yourself and to not conform to the social rule. It has given me the chance to put a smile on my face aswell as others. Be happy people x
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Life is a beach - 28 Dec, 2023 - 09:23PM
I have learnt that you can meet someone who you can make happy and who can make you happy.
I have learnt not to feel guilty about having someone else who brightens your life.
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Legs&Eyes - 26 Dec, 2023 - 03:04PM
Always keep it classy, always keep your head high, and never allow anyone to drag you into a state of self-loathing, anxiety or sadness due to this scenario..... be strong, be true to me and keep the faith x
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1632896 - 26 Dec, 2023 - 01:14PM
Learned a little, confirmed a lot.
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Son Of Loki - 21 Dec, 2023 - 09:14AM
I’ve learned that physical attraction doesn’t do much heavy lifting if you’re not vibing from the get-go.
Instead of an effortless flow, you’re thinking ‘sh1t, what now, what the heck reply do I give to that strange comment’?
I’ve learned that low energy 4 word replies are like Homebase background musak.
I’ve learned that ‘I don’t take myself too seriously’ is a sign she is high maintenance / touchy/ an offence radar.
I’ve learned I’m triggered by ‘sporting an athletic body.
I’ve learned my thinning hair doesn’t appear to be a deal breaker
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1447655 - 21 Dec, 2023 - 08:16AM
I came here, originally, thinking I wanted a sexual arrangement. And i got one too. A long term 'fwb'. But i learned that once you've quenched your sexual thirst, that its all just mechanics without the feels. If kissing and affection feel like its not a part of that "space", it's just masturbation ultimately. If I meet someone i like again (and let's be honest, the chances of that are slim to none) I want the truly satisfying stuff - not a cold 'sexual arrangement' but a mutual 'normal' affair where sizzilingly sex is a big part of it, but not the whole. I'm raising the bar!
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1614937 - 20 Dec, 2023 - 12:32AM
That if the older gent doesn't look like Brad Pitt, George Clooney or Hugh Grant, you're not going to succeed.
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1626541 - 19 Dec, 2023 - 09:39PM
That i hadn't quite realised what i thought i wanted (but have now found)
and that there are a lot of talkers..but not do-ers
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