Can anyone top this?
My husband bought me a screwdriver set as a Christmas present. I felt like that was the final straw so I joined IE. Can anyone else’s spouse top that gift??
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Comments (85)
Electric965 - 21 Jan, 2021 - 12:00AM
Yes I got a rotary sander a few years back that’s when I knew things had started to slip x
1421217 - 20 Jan, 2021 - 08:14PM
Fun for me and you , nice one not ! . Quite a sweeping statement, more likely , a lack of imagination, or he fancied them himself
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1432662 - 20 Jan, 2021 - 07:17PM
Jesus what a romantic......tells me he has something else on the side I’m afraid honey! Classic example of him telling you it’s over.....sad but true!
1117169 - 20 Jan, 2021 - 06:49PM
I didn't, but there again I am gender blind when it comes to housework 😁
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ExoticOrchid - 20 Jan, 2021 - 04:32PM
Sportster1200L - 12:54PM
You do realise hazel-eyes is a man???
1117169 - 20 Jan, 2021 - 12:54PM
@ hazel - eyes and @ Exotic Orchid
There used to be a piece of advice given to new husbands by older married men whose wives were full time housewives for them to check the hoover and the tv when they got in from work to see which one was warm!
Its not like that these days of course. Or is it?
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ExoticOrchid - 20 Jan, 2021 - 12:09PM
hazle-eyes - 12:58AM
Definitely a message there!!!
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Boldadventurer - 20 Jan, 2021 - 11:09AM
Learn how to unscrew the screws to replace to front door look then. Winning
1431746 - 20 Jan, 2021 - 09:02AM
Wow! I'd marry him 😂
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