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Just wondering what kind of photos I should be uploading? I assumed nice smile etc - maybe some more posed and others more natural...

But recently someone sent me access to photos that were quite explicit - am I supposed to be matching this?! I thought these type of pics were frowned upon...

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Comments (163)

Polycarbonate - 18 Jan, 2021 - 10:55PM

Surprising to encounter an expression one is new to. It reminds us that being in a comfortable niche, the world moves on. Like most slang its appreciation requires familiarity and a sense of humour .

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1320953 - 18 Jan, 2021 - 10:25PM

Thank god for the urban dictionary!

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1393321 - 18 Jan, 2021 - 10:17PM

@real affair

I just googled it, taken from Urban Definitions....

tuna canoe:-
a vagina, named due to the fact that it is shaped like a vertical canoe and in some cases smells like tuna

We certainly get an education on here, don't we?

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RealAffair - 18 Jan, 2021 - 10:10PM

I had never heard the term " tuna canoe" before tonight.

The absurdity of it had me in stitches ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Does anyone know why " tuna canoe?"

1431267 - 18 Jan, 2021 - 10:09PM

Donโ€™t send explicit picsโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ leave something to the imagination!!

1393321 - 18 Jan, 2021 - 09:54PM


Yes, I agree that cock and vagina photos are more than folk expect directly after the password...artistic, well timed offerings are often enjoyed.

But I prefer the term Sacred Fountain of Life to "tuna canoe", just saying....

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Beardandsandals - 18 Jan, 2021 - 09:09PM

Cock or vaginal photos can be more than folk expect. Unless at an appropriate stage and presented reasonably artistically. Chezley makes a fair point.

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1086949 - 18 Jan, 2021 - 08:40PM

Chezley..... sure ladies will be queuing up to send you gifts after that little phrase. Nice one.

1320953 - 18 Jan, 2021 - 07:40PM

I've read the messages and its not surprising that most women feel have a dick pic thrust upon them isn't usually welcomed....

RealAffair - 18 Jan, 2021 - 07:15PM

ClassyLady77 - 15 Jan, 2021 - 09:20PM

"Although Iโ€™m starting to think what 99% of men on here want... ๐Ÿ˜”"

Don't you want that too?

Surely the point of this site is to find an illicit partner, at whatever level of friendship that floats your boat, to include a sexual relationship.

On that basis I'd expect all people here to be after one thing. It just doesn't have to be the only thing.๐Ÿ˜‚

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