Just wondering what kind of photos I should be uploading? I assumed nice smile etc - maybe some more posed and others more natural...
But recently someone sent me access to photos that were quite explicit - am I supposed to be matching this?! I thought these type of pics were frowned upon...
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Comments (163)
1393321 - 15 Jan, 2021 - 02:52PM
Premium bond,
You talking about me? ;-)
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Premiumbond - 15 Jan, 2021 - 01:49PM
@ Nyceguy
Never mind the photos !!! the list of some of the requirements wanted in a man from the women on here is sometimes outrageous
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1429227 - 15 Jan, 2021 - 01:32PM
I regularly get asked for my password from people interested in animal welfare as they are concerned about my Camel Toe. 🐫 it is fine and well looked after.
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1320953 - 15 Jan, 2021 - 01:10PM
I'd like to also add tk all the comments, men please have very recently take photos! Ones taken 2 years ago aren't good. I regularly change mine so they are never more than a month old. People change and putting photos of you in your early 50s when you are nudging 60 or old isn't on!
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1320953 - 15 Jan, 2021 - 01:07PM
Unicorns do exist - 15 Jan, 2021 - 12:25PM
I had a shall we say mature lady send me her photo password out of the blue, it was full of pictures of her lady parts. I nearly spat my tea out.
Omg that's hilarious.... And slightly desturbing
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1430835 - 15 Jan, 2021 - 12:25PM
I had a shall we say mature lady send me her photo password out of the blue, it was full of pictures of her lady parts. I nearly spat my tea out.
1393321 - 15 Jan, 2021 - 12:23PM
Pictures tell a thousand words, and yet they are just a moment in time and often don't show the real personality (or they show too much personality!)
So my advice for a man is, use well lit photos, neutral face, smiling face and full body shot (clothed). Some add a chest shot, that's nice. Some add photos in settings that show his hobbies...that makes conversations easy to start..... 'What an interesting hobby you're doing in that photo...' Well chosen photos show you care about your viewers.
Having said that, the pictures I say yes to are often as bad as the ones I reject, so it doesnt always matter. I have a type and if he fits it I'm not bothered by the photos, but if he doesnt, and he may look lovely, then I find my interest has gone. Sometimes his previous written messages are so attractive that he can stretch my type a bit. But if he looks like a member of my family then its defo a no.
So, chaps, if your photo gets rejected by a woman it may not be a rejection of 'you' at all. Keep on keeping
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rarity23 - 15 Jan, 2021 - 11:33AM
Natural pictures are always best.
I don't think explicit pictures are really appropriate, far better to discover that for real if you find a connection
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1429015 - 15 Jan, 2021 - 10:42AM
I find this interesting because my conversations usually stop after the photo swap, I’m not tall dark and handsome but I’m not that bad, women’s expectations are very optimistic on here
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1320953 - 15 Jan, 2021 - 10:35AM
I wouldn't have explicit photos on any site. If I get to know someone and trust has been established then carefully taken photos may be exchanged but the ones I have on here are regularly changed for resent ones and I also regularly change my password
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