Just wondering what kind of photos I should be uploading? I assumed nice smile etc - maybe some more posed and others more natural...
But recently someone sent me access to photos that were quite explicit - am I supposed to be matching this?! I thought these type of pics were frowned upon...
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Comments (163)
Purple dreamer - 03 Mar, 2024 - 06:05PM
I got hardly no messages until i posted one of my legs , to me they are just legs but seems that got the messages flowing. Not overly sure if that was the right thing to do or not or if it makes me seem a bit a bit a of a slut
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1581761 - 03 Mar, 2024 - 05:06PM
It’s quiet in here
FluffyClouds - 03 Mar, 2024 - 03:42PM
Paula99 -
Agree about the full portfolio of Instagram pics...I just think attention seeker or player.
Sunglasses, helmets, hats...they just hide your face and your hair. It's camouflage.
Pictures of you walking in the countryside from 10+ years ago are also a don't look like that now....accept it, so don't use them, it's deceptive.
Topless pics...isn't there more about you than you're physique? Is that all you've got?
I've seen a couple of pics of men holding shot guns...really?
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giggly hamster - 03 Mar, 2024 - 12:36PM
and if all that doesn't work then option 2:
Make those orange peel teeth and give the biggest grin you can, everyone loves a smile.
If eyes are the window to the soul then those glasses with those big bulgy eyes are a must.
For the body shots go to a ted baker or hollister advert and cut out the model's face and put your own on there - she'll never notice as the subliminimininal cues of her desire will obfuscate anything and everything that's bad.
Send a dick pic.
Ensure however that said dick pick has a pair of sunglasses resting on the top of it, and a cigar iunder the floppage in order to make her think that you[ve sent her a picture of one of the band members of the muppet show or Watto (it's a nerd thing - if you know, you know) before she does a double take and gets sticky knickers at the prospect of your zany and maaad sense of humour.
Follow this sage advice and she'll be yours by lunchtime, and you'll be back home for tea and medals dunking a mighty bisk-wit in a warm cup of smug.
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R Deckard - 10 Feb, 2024 - 07:01PM
Option 1
A lot of good advice has already been provided, and it's good to hear from the ladies. To summarise: a picture from the waist up - better still, a whole portfolio of pictures, one face, one full body (dressed), facing camera or from an angle < 30 degrees, not from below, better outside than inside the house, if inside the house not in the bathroom, bedroom is ok but not next to unmade bed, if in the garden not in the shade, if in the blinding sun no sunglasses, garden lawn is ok but veggie allotment boring, no residual hands of uncropped family and friends, dogs are ok but no dangerous breeds, no filters or at least no sepia, no photographer's pictures but if self-made then no blur, smile but don't laugh, trimmed beards (and if required nose and ears too), gym gear ok unless all sweaty, best to show yourself absorbed in some hobby but not karaoke, great if [I quote] "natural deep in thought" but still smile and, while you try to remember the 72 dos/donts, be authentic and spontaneous.
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Paula99 - 09 Feb, 2024 - 11:14PM
All I can say is women always look at the background of an image …so no unmaid beds
Laundry in the basket where it should be
Face pic
Recent photos
No cock shots
No furry ears n noses
Beards trimmed
No pictures of other women or their bodily parts..
Last of all ‘keep it real ‘ none of those instagram images
Be yourself … point lying you will get discovered
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1629480 - 04 Feb, 2024 - 08:06AM
Every one has there own idea
Marlen - 22 Jan, 2024 - 09:57PM
Keep the photos simple and in don't show your full deck. Photos shouldn't be blurry and ideally the 'private' pictures should have the full face visible.
Oh and avoid using filters....WTF is that about?🤣🤣🤣🤣
An IE should be more than the quality of a 'rack' or the size of a 'dick'....there are different sites for that, I assume.
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1447655 - 16 Jan, 2024 - 06:01PM
- loose the hat and don't chop the top of your head off the picture. She's going to see your lack of hair when you meet so best be straight.
-Don't ware sunglasses, you're hiding the windows to your soul, not your crows feet, and neck and hands show the years more anyway.
-Please, for the love of God, no family in the picture. Cats and dogs are good though!
-Smile! She is checking your teeth out.
- Don't have just one pic, provide a range.
- Check out the background. Outside always looks best. Bathroom worst.
-Consider the angle, nobody wants a view up your nose
- Don't include a dick pic. She'll ask in time if she wants to check that out anyway.
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boav91 - 15 Jan, 2024 - 07:15AM
The thing is as people get older they naturally are not what they were in their 20’s
My 18 year old body was great, playing sport and going to the gym 6 days a week I know I looked good , but my 50+ year old body I think is ok but does show signs of my age. I have enjoyed life and why not. I prefer a little bit of class and not crass at the Initial stage. Those are the only types of pictures I would share on here but after when settled in an ie, well that Is between two consenting adults their choice
My view. The person after looks only is not after a longer term ie imo but who am I to judge or know.i find the opposite to be true though also people say they judge on personality but so often in the past i was rejected from photos even though they nicely said I looks nice. Each to their own
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