Just wondering what kind of photos I should be uploading? I assumed nice smile etc - maybe some more posed and others more natural...
But recently someone sent me access to photos that were quite explicit - am I supposed to be matching this?! I thought these type of pics were frowned upon...
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Comments (163)
Mind and matter - 07 Jan, 2024 - 12:05AM
On IE, I have come across many ladies who add to their hilariously long list of "terms and conditions" that I add my pic PW to my introductory message.
Yeah - good luck with that, honey.
On a site like this, what type of person would indiscriminately spread his pictures to total strangers he has barely approached (who could be neighbours, colleagues or their spouse's friends)? Probably a fool, or someone who has financially little to lose (the former condition usually leading to the latter). Or someone desperate, or past caring.
I never share, or request, pictures until I know I am very interested, after a bit of messaging. And, strangely enough, none of my IEs has ever had any problem with that.
The irony? Those who request an upfront pw, "to save time", are all still here, a few years since I embarked on my previous affair.
So much for saving time. Keep working on your picture collection, honey.
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Paula99 - 06 Jan, 2024 - 11:25PM
Living dangerously isn’t the right way to approach this… there are risks and there are calculated risks ….
The clue here is ‘management’ and you operate your profile in a way that ‘works’ for you not because someone tells you to ….if you only have one picture in here and it’s public then think about how many phones it will pass through on its journey to ‘delete’..
Leaving a picture on here isn’t quite the same as sharing one on another platform as you can set your timers to photo bomb 💣 so the onus is on you….
….going to Benidorm and leaving your brains at the airport isn’t an option for most people…
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Doricles - 06 Jan, 2024 - 07:33PM
At some point, whilst building a relationship with another IE member, both parties will want to see photos of each other; that’s only natural, especially if they’re getting on really well and feeling a connection. Whether you share your PW at that point or go off-site and start chatting elsewhere i.e. on WhatsApp, Telegram or via SMS, images and personal information will be shared, the normal questions being, “Where do you actually live?” and, “What do you do for a living?” We share: we open up and yes, you’ll want to see photos! Not dick pics and lady bits, but of each other; what do you actually look like? Nobody in their right mind meets someone without seeing what the person they may end up in bed with looks like. So, unless you’re a UC with a full cover story, you will inevitably reveal things about yourself that will expose you and could be used against you if someone was that way inclined! It’s the risk we all face: so suck it up and embrace it. Take the plunge and live dangerously
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Secret_fun2020 - 06 Jan, 2024 - 06:53PM
I never expect to see explicit photos when I exchange passwords and I'd never put one on here. I'm happy to exchange ones once chatting offline and things seem to be going somewhere
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ExoticOrchid - 06 Jan, 2024 - 06:43PM
fiveseven - 03:36PM
Yes, some say the same thing about being recognised but that they won't say anything because they shouldn't be here either ... maybe so but my point is why give someone the hold of that knowledge over you unnecessarily ... they could cause a lot of problems should you fall out with them for example ... they could let your spouse know anonymously ... so many pitfalls all because you want to show your face on an adultery site!
A married on an adultery site should be extra discreet ... any sane person wouldn't expect to see a person's face on display.
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LadyDe - 06 Jan, 2024 - 04:51PM
Well I’ve never been lucky…. Oops I mean unlucky enough to open any man’s PW and get slapped in the face 🤭🤭
Paula99 - 06 Jan, 2024 - 04:50PM
If you don’t want anyone to send pictures that you haven’t asked for …stipulate in your profile
Simple 😁
Legs&Eyes - 06 Jan, 2024 - 03:42PM
So Im here as a single girl, and I'm potentially best mates with your wife, or her cousin etc etc - you wouldnt mind that you've just messaged me with your photos?? Haha... Mmmm, I think not, surely?
Legs&Eyes - 06 Jan, 2024 - 03:39PM
Well yes, haha.. OBVIOUSLY! I was merely pointing out that if that occurs on the first message - then how the hell do you know WHO you're contacting as a married guy???
God, the scary possibilities are endless.... haha..
Has anyone ever contacted their wife / sister in law / mother in law I wonder??? Lol
1641403 - 06 Jan, 2024 - 03:36PM
I don't get the worry about seeing someone you know on here. It's not like they're in a position to say anything without exposing themselves as a member - a bit like going to a swinger's club and bumping into your boss (ahem).
I do think they should have an explicit label on some pictures though as some eyewatering scenes hide behind that password!
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