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A polite no?

So as I’m here looking for an IE lots of people spring up that I’m not physically attracted too, how do you let that person down without sounding horrible and blunt?
I’m a nice person and I find telling people you’re not my type really offensive so I end up ghosting them which is also bad but how else can I say it?

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Comments (221)

ExoticOrchid - 16 Feb, 2021 - 12:23PM

Mary Contrary - 08:27AM

I know, right! 😁

ExoticOrchid - 16 Feb, 2021 - 12:13PM

I'm totally puzzled as to how it is rude to send someone a polite "No thanks" but not rude (as well as ignorant) to ghost them!!! 😲🤷🏻‍♀️

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1103340 - 16 Feb, 2021 - 11:26AM

All this ghosting and there was me thinking I’d turned you all to stone!! It’s truly a relief to know you just didn’t fancy me. :-)

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1329251 - 16 Feb, 2021 - 09:46AM

See it from their perspective hon x they'd probably want to know so they don't bother you, and if you just plain ignore them then they can get hurt or angry, saying you're pompous or the site is rubiish etc etc.
I think we can all tell if we're physically attracted, personally for me it needs to be deeper than that so I will chat to grasp his personality, but if I'm not interested I won't string them on, I'll just remain friendly and say sorry honey you're not for me but good luck, or something along those lines xx it's just being honest and friendly again without stringing people along x

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1434661 - 16 Feb, 2021 - 08:27AM

ExoticOrchid - 15 Feb, 2021 - 03:17PM
"... you should read some of the men's profiles ... just as bad with dress size to hair colour stipulated. And then you see their (10 year old pics)..."

I'm sat here chuckling to myself with how often I come across that scenario... their descriptions of themselves as being 'athletic' and find they're quite a few stone overweight... And that's after I've ignored the fact they've knocked several years off their age because they reckon they feel younger 🤣

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1435676 - 16 Feb, 2021 - 05:37AM

I find it rude to say no thanks you are not my type. I just can't do it. A case of, "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it."
Alot of men say they prefer a "no thanks" but when you say that,they want to have a discussion about why ,what is wrong with l how I look etc.
Truth is, for me it's not about "good or bad looking". I will reject very good looking men because in my head ,I just can't see myself with them.Its just a feeling that I get from looking at your picture.
As a serial ghoster,let me tell you what ghosting means. It means "'I am NOT feeling you at all but I don't want any drama ".

Your welcome :-)

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Plum Blonde - 16 Feb, 2021 - 12:21AM

Tell them unfortunately you aren't a match with them .Block them if carry on and they want to know why. If you get chatting it is harder to get away.

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1422816 - 16 Feb, 2021 - 12:06AM

I think it’s alway polite to say ‘not my type sorry, good luck’ ghosting is rude.

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1117169 - 15 Feb, 2021 - 11:53PM

Ghosting people rather than letting them down gently is as offensive as it gets as its like saying that you can't even be bothered to spend the time and effort to tell them that you are not interested. Its the ultimate expression of indifference. Its also cowardly.

We all have to deal with giving and receiving rejection from time to time . Act like a grown up. Say something like, " Thanks for your password but I just don't feel we would hit it off. Good luck with your search" That's not too much trouble is it?

If the other person can't take it on the chin gracefully, that's their problem. You don't have to keep communicating with them and ultimately can block them, but only as a last resort not a first option. Ghosting then blocking is just disgusting behaviour.

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Rustiqe plaisir - 15 Feb, 2021 - 10:33PM

Blonde Ambition- by all means block someone if they start hurling abuse at you. I would even encourage you to report those idiots.
But blocking someone just on the off chance that they could be, is not really acceptable IMHO as you’re judging every man to be guilty by virtue that they are a man.
I know I’d be upset if someone blocked me for no apparent reason, but then you may not be concerned about that.

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