A polite no?
So as I’m here looking for an IE lots of people spring up that I’m not physically attracted too, how do you let that person down without sounding horrible and blunt?
I’m a nice person and I find telling people you’re not my type really offensive so I end up ghosting them which is also bad but how else can I say it?
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Comments (220)
MatureWorcsBBW - 22 Dec, 2023 - 02:53PM
I agree.
Ghosting is so much kinder than the rejection messages followed up often by unnecessary vitriolic retaliation.
I absolutely am NOT impressed by good looks but by a kind and compassionate nature more.
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1614937 - 22 Dec, 2023 - 10:20AM
Enigma.. - 22 Dec, 2023 - 09:04AM
You are SO right! (And it works the other way round, too, with women rejecting men, based soley on looks not chat.) Some of us are only slightly more photogenic than a gammon steak. Their loss...
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Enigma.. - 22 Dec, 2023 - 09:04AM
My second Ie and I didn’t have that instant connection, looks wise, but we were both willing to continue to chat and meet because we got along, personality wise, very well.
It was on our second date, when we were more relaxed, that we really connected.
To many men on this site dismiss women because they are “not their type” usually after exchanging photos.
Some are polite about it others not so.
But I have had several male member’s days, even a few week’s later, message me asking how I am and have I found someone yet?
This only leads me to one conclusion…. They’ve realised that finding someone on the site that meets their high standards is not going to happen or their membership is running out and they are becoming desperate.
I’ve actually been told, when I asked why they had got in touch again, that they had realised I was a genuine, decent, honest woman with a great personality.
Pity they weren’t, at the time, prepared to look beyond the looks and concentrate on personality.
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boav91 - 21 Dec, 2023 - 06:19AM
Everyone has someone who is their type but some of my best experiences earlier in life were with people who were not immidiatley in that category. You don’t know until you try sometimes. It is always nicer when the two things of personality and looks match though.
As for the friends only category, a couple of people here who fell into the not my type both ways categories I have had some great chats and friendly catch ups with so that was nice too.
Also if you are able to say no ,and we are not always able to as men for practical reasons as much as willingness, it is from my point of view nice to get that sorry so even if it is disappointing. Better than being ghosted. Having said that I will appear to be ghosting people who have written to me recently due to the realities of how ie works
FluffyClouds - 20 Dec, 2023 - 04:08PM
I think it's more difficult when you've been chatting for a while...and then do PW swap. Especially when the conversation has been engaging. But, it's ultimately best to be honest if you're not feeling an attraction once you see their pic. Friends at best if you don't fancy them.
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1635363 - 20 Dec, 2023 - 01:29PM
If it’s a no it’s a no. No point getting involved in something that you don’t want
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Enigma.. - 20 Dec, 2023 - 08:39AM
@ExoticOrchid Paula99
Methinks, if it’s the same Quasimodo I’m talking about, you’ll find he’s deleted his account.
No doubt he’ll be back in a few day’s.
New user name…
Same desperado 😂🙄😉😏
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Son Of Loki - 20 Dec, 2023 - 08:01AM
Your name and what you wrote here implies you have great depth, yet your profile is a stock one which merely tells us about some TV you prefer
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