Once lockdown is over...
... what is the first thing you want to do? For me, it's get my hair done 😂
Secondly, I cannot wait to go on a normal date, I mean walking around a park with a mulled wine is nice and all, but I crave eating at a table in a nice restaurant. Things we took for granted! I never thought I'd say this, but I even miss wearing heels.
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Comments (62)
1360266 - 24 Feb, 2021 - 06:22PM
@Mike Flowers 🤣
IntelligentFire - 24 Feb, 2021 - 04:58PM
I just want to hug people I know when I meet them or part from them.
It may sound trivial but it's possibly the biggest hardship I've suffered though all of this.
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1439225 - 24 Feb, 2021 - 04:16PM
Is it OK to keep you pre covid profile picture? Or should you use a current one? I currently look like a 1970s Keith Chegwin. With a little grey of gourse.
1434661 - 22 Feb, 2021 - 03:31PM
I miss the days where I can go out for a meal with my extended family and share from several plates. Tasting each others foods.
Or sip from each others drinks just to see what cocktails my sisters/friends had chosen
I'm looking forward to being able to do that again x
1438840 - 22 Feb, 2021 - 12:49PM
I need a haircut, I currently resemble my 1983 student version, which wasn’t good, I mean is it possible mullets are coming back into fashion. Followed by actually meeting up and being able to hug, kiss and fumble.
1434303 - 22 Feb, 2021 - 11:46AM
Looking forward to normal hide the Sausage activities ☺️
1100888 - 21 Feb, 2021 - 10:55AM
Some serious pampering. Get a much needed hair cut and a proper hair dressers not the local buzz and go barbers. A nice spa day with massage, sauna, hot tub and a swim. A great meal in the evening with some good wine.
Anyone want to join me 😜
markymarkmark7 - 20 Feb, 2021 - 11:03PM
Lovely meal with a lovely lady for me, lots of bubbly, lots of laughs :)
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Paul 07914 - 19 Feb, 2021 - 04:07PM
Go on a date !! Just to put with a nice lady again would be so good 😀
ClassyLady77 - 17 Feb, 2021 - 07:57AM
Meet friends/family, go to pub/restaurant, go shopping in a shop rather than online. I miss the high street and we must protect it and jobs..
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