Hi Everyone!
I had my vaccine 2 weeks ago and I am now considering meeting my IE (he has also had his). Anyone else considering this also?
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Comments (82)
Plum Blonde - 10 Apr, 2021 - 01:31AM
Your Ultimate Desire . We are are all entitled to manage our own behaviour and its not for you to question mine or ask why I'm on here , it is nothing to do with you.! One of my friends is critical in hospital with Covid and has been for six weeks at death's door which kind of makes me realise that the danger is real especially for those with reduced immunity .Meeting up quickly as you write in your profile suits you, so continue to suit yourself .
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1386735 - 08 Apr, 2021 - 12:55PM
Plum Blonde
You are going to be waiting a hell of a long time. COVID is not going away, we will just have to learn with it.
I would question why you are on here if you are going to wait. What are you waiting for exactly?!
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1421217 - 08 Apr, 2021 - 12:02PM
I personally don’t know anyone who has died of corona , I do personally know of three people who have have died by their own hand over the past year , everyone needs to get a grip , socially distanced of course . And we live with flu without shutting everyone off every year
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Plum Blonde - 08 Apr, 2021 - 02:55AM
Much as people want to meet up its only safe to talk outdoors socially distanced .Kissing would be risky .The vaccine isn't 100% protection .Even if you take a test that day its not foolproof. I'm waiting but its a personal decision and everyone's risk factors are different with age , health etc .Obviously knowing someone has died of the virus or is seriously ill is a warning to me .
1426707 - 30 Mar, 2021 - 03:27PM
Just been to a placed I used in the woods last year- on my own this time. Lovely and warm today, and still a reasonable amount of privacy despite not many leaves being out.
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SecretPops - 30 Mar, 2021 - 10:29AM
Most definitely considering it... Hotels are open, and doing all they can to be Covid safe, so I think that's my favourite option!
ExoticOrchid - 29 Mar, 2021 - 10:02AM
HideTheSausage - 29 Mar, 2021 - 07:15AM
Oh dear, not woken up from your dream yet then? ;-)
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1434303 - 29 Mar, 2021 - 07:15AM
Had mine 4 weeks ago side effects at all except my dick seems to have grown even bigger...can't find any budgie smugglers man enough for the job now ! 😋
Scorpion_kiss - 26 Mar, 2021 - 07:06PM
And AirBnB with self check-in ;). Though came to know about some car stories too :-O
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