Oh Hello!!
We finally have a road map! Who is already arranging to meet their IE?
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Comments (50)
ScepticalHusband - 06 Mar, 2021 - 12:17AM
Haha. My naivety, I just found out what a "day room" is after reading this thread. I'm over 50, and have clearly lived a sheltered life
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1436596 - 05 Mar, 2021 - 10:33PM
Call me bad and I should probably know better but I have and so glad I did! Covid isn't going to just disappear this year or maybe for a few years. I've weighed up the risks and I'm comfortable. Do what you feel comfortable with. Yes I've had my vaccine and understand it doesn't make me immune. Judge away!
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Sexy_Sal69 - 05 Mar, 2021 - 10:08PM
The last couple of months have been challenging, so really looking forward to some nice company & of course a few glasses of wine
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Reef7765 - 05 Mar, 2021 - 09:47PM
Are people setting rules for meeting up ?
must be vaccinated ? must have a personality ? socially distanced meet-ups ?
Is the new phrase going to be -“are you vaccinated….” ? instead of “do you have protection .. “ 🤣🤣🤣
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Kyllian - 05 Mar, 2021 - 03:15PM
Had to side with the conspiracy theorists but I had the vaccine yesterday and was told by the guy from the government that I can’t really date again until I find the woman who has my microchip activation code. It’s really disappointing as she’s clearly out there somewhere - I keep getting unexpected erections and yesterday I slapped myself full in the face. I wish she’d stop playing with the remote and actually just ask me out.
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Jasmine90 - 04 Mar, 2021 - 05:33AM
I can't wait. Hopefully it'll be a fun summer for everyone 😉
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1429737 - 26 Feb, 2021 - 07:38PM
1429015 - 25 Feb, 2021 - 03:24PM
If you find one FB can you ask if she has a sister?
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908210 - 25 Feb, 2021 - 03:14PM
It's definitely something to look forward to...i just need to find a woman who would actually like to meet up x
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