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Stuck on a desert island...

Stuck on a desert island with your IE - you can bring THREE things with you - for food/survival/entertainment - what would you bring? GO!

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Comments (157)

pkash78 - 09 Apr, 2021 - 09:20AM

Interesting.. a knife and a lube... interesting combination šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

pkash78 - 09 Apr, 2021 - 09:11AM

A bed..
A toy
Lots of Nutella ..

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Blondeblue - 23 Mar, 2021 - 05:32PM

This island better have wifi or a 4g signal šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Mr Sin - 19 Mar, 2021 - 06:47PM

Food - plenty of chocolates
Survival - a canoe so I can leave when I want
Entertainment - iPad of course

908210 - 19 Mar, 2021 - 04:07PM

I'm surprised at all the lube! My 3 would be..

1. An iPad (let's assume it has WiFi and unlimited charge)
2. A parasol
3. Beverages of my IEs choice

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1443743 - 19 Mar, 2021 - 02:12PM

I'd bring a mango, can eat it and then plant it to grow more
Survival, a knife to chop wood etc
And entertainment I'd bring a very naughty lady so we can be forever naked

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theinceman - 19 Mar, 2021 - 12:33PM

Easy, I'd make sure Ray Mears was my IE :D

I'd take Bear Grylls instead but we don't share the same tastes in drink.

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1234265 - 19 Mar, 2021 - 10:56AM

Coffee, or more precisely Toffee Latte and Iā€™m a happy girl !

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Jamieiow33 - 19 Mar, 2021 - 10:36AM

Plumber here if u wuna take we with you

LillyBeth889 - 14 Mar, 2021 - 03:30PM

A boat, a knife, and lots of lube

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