Keeping in contact
How often do you exchange texts/messages with your IE? Sometimes can go days without a reply, is this normal? Can't help but think they have lost interest or am I being sensitive?
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Comments (186)
lisa3232 - 04 Apr, 2021 - 12:18PM
Keeping in regular contact is extremely important if you're here for an "affair". For me, that includes an emotional attachment, but that doesn't mean leaving our marriages.
If you're here for "encounters" then it's not as important and you inherently wish to stay detached.
Men should take heed of this- at the risk of being shot down by some here- staying attentive, keeping the spark alive is crucial if you want something to last.
Men, put alot of effort in at the beginning, buy this reduces over time. Yes our other lives are more important but you're here because things slipped at home. Don't make the same mistake in an affair. Your contact is as important 1 year in as it is in those initial heady weeks.
Ignore that at your peril.
Some will disagree and that's fine but for me- you'll get as much out of this as you put in. It's my affair too, and if I feel taken for granted, then I'd feel like I'm in two marriages. WTF
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Chris 14093 - 02 Apr, 2021 - 11:32PM
I tend to write just once a day, late at night so my IE finds my message first thing in the morning. If I hear nothing for a day or two I put it down to him not being in a position to reply... no need for paranoia if both parties have always been honest with each other.
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1433627 - 02 Apr, 2021 - 11:09PM
I like to tx message every day especially the getting to know each other, the build up, will make meeting more comfortable and relaxed. I recently met a guy I have been in contact with since January. He is not one for messages and being my first IE experience I was not too sure how to receive that. Anyways, we met he said he would like to meet again, however lack or little response makes it hard to decipher if so or when. I guess he is keeping his options open. I thought he was lovely. But I am always the initiator of contact. Anyway i said its fine if he isn't interested just say so, so i can IE again. His status has changed so i guess he is still fishing and im boring you all lol
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1446690 - 02 Apr, 2021 - 10:53PM
How is everyone tonight???
1383025 - 02 Apr, 2021 - 09:18PM
I like to message everyday. It literally takes a few minutes sitting on the loo to say ‘hey, hope you’re good. Missing squeezing your arse’ or something like that...
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Reef7765 - 02 Apr, 2021 - 07:03PM
With one particular past IE, we used to exchange messages via KIK throughout the day, this was all possible due to circumstances… we had an agreement no messages after 7pm …
My best friend had her email address( agreed with her) and in the event of something ever happening to me, he would email her to inform ….
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1421217 - 02 Apr, 2021 - 05:54PM
Only your feathers seem ruffled sigma, my opinion is just that mine , I stand by what I said , and why apologise , no ones been rude or personally attacked . Your opinion is just as valid as mine . They differ x
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ClassyLady77 - 02 Apr, 2021 - 04:30PM
It’s a fine line.. if it feels natural to you then enjoy it. If you have to work at it then forget it.. things like not chatting at weekends is normal.
Met someone last year, messaged every day and seemed to be going well, it was natural and we talked about more than just sex, then we met.. (only for a walk) no chemistry, he was dull, scared of own shadow and never offered to buy me lunch even though I brought the Prosecco.. I obviously attract tight arses. 😂
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Sigmaguy - 02 Apr, 2021 - 04:08PM
Barretta we’ve spoken before so I’ll be respectful...
You seem to be having a go at me for 1: Doing some research and 2: For repeating something I may have said some time ago...
I usually apologise, but sorry Ms Forum ‘Repeated word’ Prefect... I had no idea that simply offering some practical advice worthy of such negativity.
I’ll make sure I go back and revue all the comments I’ve made in the past so as not to ruffle your feathers....
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1421217 - 02 Apr, 2021 - 07:06AM
Sigma, you may have mentioned those words a few times 😁, and we all meet ars£&@el in life
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