Who's with me?
Okay, so it took one or two meets, but I feel like I've finally got my confidence back. Being able to dress smart and go to a bar for a drink with a date has been just what I needed after living in sportswear and feeling lonely the last 6 months. Anyone else feel more confident?
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Comments (46)
1450912 - 03 May, 2021 - 03:50PM
I agree Lockdown Rapunzel, getting dressed up again in "going out" clothes and heels does make you feel just that little bit better!
However as Teresa di Vicenzo says, whether I can fit into any of this stuff again is another matter!!
1428284 - 03 May, 2021 - 12:08AM
Oh it’s too cold to go outside for a drink. I’ve had a walk and talk.
1433753 - 01 May, 2021 - 03:59PM
Never understood why some rejoiced at not having to dress nicely and having to put make up on ...
Of course one can do as one wishes but looking good surely makes you feel good ...a matter of your own pride and routine ?
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Adraug51 - 01 May, 2021 - 12:12PM
@Your Ultimate Desire
That is sad you have had that experience. Other sites are awash with fakes and scammers. Perhaps some men are 'looking at the menu' before they choose, but not letting desert know they're just having the starter .... ;)
I personally am looking forward to meeting socially again. I have missed chatting in person so much.
Need a shot of "Tigger-juice" to counteract lockdown lethargy and then hope to be able to have my first date for a couple of years.
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NiceGuy76 - 30 Apr, 2021 - 10:14PM
I’m giving this place another try after being here at the start of lockdown. Met a lady, we met a few times (although nothing happened) and I kind of gave up on this site.
How have people found it over the last 12 months, is it more active or quiet over the whole lockdown thing?
Duplication - 30 Apr, 2021 - 07:13PM
Well I have always been confident....
It comes from knowing that if I approach and treat people in the right way it tends to be reciprocated....
It doesn't make me naive or easy to fool, neither does it make me mean spirited.
If something doesn't feel right I can say no, even if I have started with an open mind...
It is amazing how much goodwill you receive when you give it out without unrealistic expectation....
I challenge you all to saying yes to everything just for one day and see where it takes you...
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1386735 - 30 Apr, 2021 - 03:55PM
Correct it’s mine and a few others, let’s just see shall we
1449716 - 29 Apr, 2021 - 06:59PM
You’d, that may be your experience of ie , but it’s not everyone’s .
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