IE Album
If your IE experience could be summarised in an album, what would that
album be?
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Comments (122)
1386735 - 10 May, 2021 - 04:56PM
Same old Bullshit...Beastie Boys
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1447499 - 10 May, 2021 - 04:14PM
...any one notice the similarities/suitability of album names to some profile names, or is it just me?? 🤔🤔🤔
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1447499 - 10 May, 2021 - 04:10PM
Probably a little downbeat but 'Jagged little pill', Alanis Morrisette or "Little Fictions", Elbow.
Relaxed Vibes - 10 May, 2021 - 12:57PM
At times Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent - Lewis Capaldi!
Relaxed Vibes - 10 May, 2021 - 12:54PM
Bring me to life - Evanescence. Im ever hopeful!
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Relaxed Vibes - 10 May, 2021 - 10:34AM
Appetite for destruction - Guns n Roses!
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1427056 - 10 May, 2021 - 10:06AM
Guns N Roses.... Lies...
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