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Dressing up for an IE

When meeting an ie, and wanting to look the part for a lover, how do you dress to conceal your intentions? Or what lengths do you go to so that you can look sexy but not blow the game back home?!

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Comments (93)

1494077 - 05 Oct, 2023 - 04:35PM

Same. I dress for me, both in room, and out. Sometimes more, sometimes less, and always right for the occasion 😊

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Boudicca - 05 Oct, 2023 - 04:23PM

I have always dressed for mysel, so no matter what I was wearing when going out, my husband wouldn’t bat an eyelid.

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1529050 - 05 Oct, 2023 - 04:06PM

Also I feel that I must point out... I dress for me! I dress so I feel good about me and how I look - FOR ME

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Paula99 - 05 Oct, 2023 - 02:56PM


You are legends😉

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1494077 - 05 Oct, 2023 - 02:40PM

If the IE likes you for you, then attire really is the last of their concerns. It all goes on the floor really quite soon after the doors close behind us!

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1590718 - 05 Oct, 2023 - 02:20PM

Nobody has ever batted an eye lid when I turn up in a suit or jeans and a shirt.

The Taylor Swift t-shirt wasn’t so well received though 😉

1408586 - 05 Oct, 2023 - 01:49PM

For a regular lover I’ve never found they’re that bothered by what I’m wearing. It tends to come off very quickly 😂

For a first meet I wear jeans.

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1529050 - 05 Oct, 2023 - 01:16PM

For me....

When we meet I in my work attire, could be dress, skirt, trousers, I always have lovely underwear on - daily!

Then for the room, I bring one or two sexy outfits for fun. Easy to bring in a large handbag without attracting attention.

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1104299 - 05 Oct, 2023 - 12:56PM

It’s a fine line between looking your best and not trying to arouse too much suspicion on the home front! That being said, once you get to know each other a good ‘routine ‘can be established such as joint shopping trips for the bedroom etc etc

Caerphilly - 05 Oct, 2023 - 12:26PM

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