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Dressing up for an IE

When meeting an ie, and wanting to look the part for a lover, how do you dress to conceal your intentions? Or what lengths do you go to so that you can look sexy but not blow the game back home?!

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Comments (93)

Maria Jones - 20 May, 2021 - 12:58PM

I take a different outfit with me and change before the date. My husband knows what I wear on a date so I never leave or come home wearing it.

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Maxwell601 - 20 May, 2021 - 12:28PM

How about a yellow siesta, matching full length kagool and wellbobs

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1435802 - 20 May, 2021 - 12:22PM

I really appreciate how Exotic always comes up with some humourous yet useful 'titbit' even though you are a singleton- it's appreciated sister!

I would refer you all to the handbook ( or policy that we do indeed bang on about! ) You have to think about where you are going as your cover story.... I have to dress casually for work, so it would look odd if I left the house all dolled up.

That's what car mirrors are for!!!!!

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1320953 - 20 May, 2021 - 12:18PM

I tend to just go out in smart casual. To meet my IE always have a few buttons open to reveal a little sexy lace clad cleavage… 😋 a nice pair of tight jeans to show off the bum. To the outside world you look perfectly presentable , to my IE I’m a hot as f&@k minx … his words lol
I may have undone an extra button in the pub garden

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1449716 - 20 May, 2021 - 12:10PM

Exotic orchid neither do I 😁

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Sextyeight - 20 May, 2021 - 12:05PM

Just act normal and wear your smart outfit

1447499 - 20 May, 2021 - 12:04PM

I think Belowtheradar is actually Alan Titchmarsh!...

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ExoticOrchid - 20 May, 2021 - 11:58AM

BelowRadar - 20 May, 2021 - 11:43AM

I don't have gardening clothes ...

1449716 - 20 May, 2021 - 11:55AM

Below radar , you clearly haven’t seen my gardening clothes

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1427056 - 20 May, 2021 - 11:43AM

Go out in your gardening clothes....
It would look like you are just going to the garden centre for some bedding plants.....

Phnawr, Phnawr..... 🤣😭

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