Do you think a single like me should be on IE?
I have lived on my own for 10 years and know I'm not cut out for Living Together/Marriage at my age. I know my space and don't want to drive someone crazy. I still want to meet up with someone who is seeking connection, including exclusivity to the right person. Am I the only one like this?
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Comments (115)
Marlen - 14 Feb, 2024 - 12:37PM
Your marital/relationship status are irrelevant.
You can do what you like. This isn't an exclusive site.
Bear in mind, if you're single and fall in love, your 'Beau' might not rescue you and be your next life partner.
If you know and accept the risks.....fill your boots, so to speak.
Good luck!
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Enigmatic Lady - 14 Feb, 2024 - 08:58AM
Good luck. You must let us know how you are getting on.
I just joined the site on Saturday and someone mentioned Flirt Forum and, well, here I am lol.
Enigma.. - 14 Feb, 2024 - 07:52AM
Well I’m about to find out what it’s like to be single on a married dating site.
I fairly recently split up from my partner. Ill it was long overdue and latterly we didn’t even live together but he did pop around occasionally and, no, not just for sex… lol.
So the shoe is on the other foot now and I’m about to find out what it’s like to be single on this site.
Stay tuned 😃😉💋
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Legs&Eyes - 14 Feb, 2024 - 07:03AM
Nice post! One of the very few that goes into the singles-conversations that says they have experienced it and why it worked well for them….
And a female singleton always needs a reliable Shelf-guy!!! 😀
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1645560 - 13 Feb, 2024 - 11:41PM
@FC so true, less drama more fun!
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FluffyClouds - 13 Feb, 2024 - 10:44PM
It's a refreshing change when you meet someone who hasn't got enough baggage to fill Heathrow Airport...
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1645560 - 13 Feb, 2024 - 10:19PM
I had a long term IE that was pretty much single, abandoned for weeks at a time. It was great, much easier to send gifts, chat whenever and so much easier to meet up. We even cooked together and one time I even put up some shelves!
Miss those times, would recommend, though rare as unicorns
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1649264 - 13 Feb, 2024 - 07:40PM
Yes. You go for it. Just be transparent.
Paula99 - 13 Feb, 2024 - 02:55PM
As above 👆
Relegate this question to the bin…
The questions seem to be getting more ridiculous…🧐
1447655 - 13 Feb, 2024 - 01:43PM
More availability and less bloody winging about their wife/life. I'd be so lucky frankly...
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