You're Great!
Post first date ….
If the guy messages you and says several times “you’re great” - what does that mean?! I mean is quite a generic word
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Comments (94)
Sigmaguy - 09 Jun, 2021 - 12:07PM
It means he’s desperate and can’t communicate properly.
How on Earth does he know you’re great after 1 date? What he should say is ‘I had a really ‘great’ time! You up for a 2nd date? I’d love to see you again! Xxx
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Wild & Free - 09 Jun, 2021 - 10:02AM
In the words of Kellogg's Tony the Tiger... you're simply... Grrrreaaaatttt!
Sounds like a good thing, I wouldn't worry. Probably arrange another meet asap before the interest/connection dies down though :p
1447655 - 09 Jun, 2021 - 09:43AM
More info needed! Was that all? Was it directly after the date? Did you have to draw it out of him has? Has there been communication since? Keen to arrange another date? Was it a date, or a 'date 😈' ?!
I know what you mean though. What we want to hear is "you are gorgeous and fantastic and I want to ravage you from here till next sunday"
I suppose anything less than that is going to come across as "meh!"
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1447499 - 09 Jun, 2021 - 09:23AM
I feel this one will turn into 'dictionary corner' but here goes.....
(adj), of an extent, amount or intensity considerably above average
Of ability, quality or eminence considerably above average
(Noun), an important or distinguished person
(Adverb), very well; excellently
In the absence of any other punctuation or emoji, I would presume the author is issuing praise but as we are all well aware - the written word can be defunct of any emotive appellation and therefore things like sarcasm can be missunderstood/missinterpreted.
Other than that, it sounds as though you are indeed - great!
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