I'm relatively new to this world.
1) Any tips for booking hotels in London
for a few hours?
2) What's the general norm regarding paying for the
hotel (does the man foot the bill or is it split between the two)?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Comments (223)
Purple dreamer - 10 Oct, 2023 - 10:46AM
I have absolutely no idea about hotels in London in fact no idea what hotels let you book by the hour well any that are not complete dives
Think ladies would appreciate the man offering to book and pay but most I am sure would offer to split the costs
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1480766 - 16 Oct, 2021 - 10:42AM
In my last affair (unfortunately she moved to New York for work) we had a simple arrangement that we alternate it. Whoever paid the room that week the other brought lunch or dinner depending on time.
Set it out early what your preference would be then there is no awkwardness.
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241014 - 16 Oct, 2021 - 10:35AM
I wonder if the issue the discussion is grappling with is the fundamentally transactional nature of most of what must happen in here.
Actively looking for an affair on a site like this is very different to the affair that spirals unexpectedly from a Chance encounter or a drunken party conversation with a local friend.
I suspect those who find a true emotionally involving passionate commitment on here are in the minority. I would guess most are making the best of an average situation while avoiding the oddballs.
I cannot imagine having an economic discussion in the unexpected spiral version.
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1441406 - 16 Oct, 2021 - 09:36AM
I agree with comments others have made below along the lines of I'm happy to pay for hotels, it feels the right thing to do and I have no issue with it at all.
1117169 - 16 Oct, 2021 - 08:16AM
@ Bukowski69
I could not have put it better myself. Paying and sharing in proportion to your means has got to be the best and most genuine way as you say.
There are many ladies on here that are looking for something " Transactional" . Even if they don't spell it out explicitly in their profiles, you can tell by reading between the lines. Avoid these unless you are a mug or are actually wanting to be a " Sugar daddy" along with several others no doubt.
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Bukowski69 - 07 Oct, 2021 - 06:27PM
I found a good woman wants to share these costs. It is great to offer to buy the woman lunch or dinner, a drink, but in my experience and maybe I have been lucky, a woman will pay some way towards things. Or buy you a gift. I once had a mistress and yes I did help her financially, when she was single, but she still bought me things, sometimes small, but all ways with thought. She shared her home too, and made dinner and poured wine, she was the host, but I also helped out. There was an understanding, unwritten, unspoken and that's why it lasted, though I suspect this is rare. It was a moment in our lives. Sadly now just a memory. But I am glad a paid my share and why not. And I would pay for a hotel room,or offer and I would buy her or my future lover drinks too. But my advice to any woman, is even if it just a small cost, buy a drink too. X We all must give something, both spiritually but physically x
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ExoticOrchid - 07 Oct, 2021 - 05:12PM
Only professionals get paid for their "time" ... 🤔
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1465941 - 07 Oct, 2021 - 04:22PM
@HarryBounce paying for "someone's time" is "trading" isn't it? If I were a man on here I definitely wouldn't get involved with someone who wants me to pay for "their time" or travel (unless I were flying them 1st class to some exotic place). What else do you pay for, her children's dinners while she's with you?
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1207759 - 07 Oct, 2021 - 12:58PM
Its a difficult one , as a traditionalist Id always offer to pay as a gesture of good faith and basic manners.
The problem is when you read profiles that dictate , " You will be expected to pay for Dinner , Hotels "
" Id expect you to pay for me " ... One recently read , " You will pay for the Hotel Dinner and my time which includes First Class travel " I did chuckle , but I guess there are suckers out there
take care everyone have fun
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1465941 - 07 Oct, 2021 - 12:12PM
Sorry but I'm not paying for the room/hotel. I'm single and like most people I have my own home, I pay for hotels on holidays not to have fun with someone whose home I can't visit. Sorry you are not coming to my house either much as I live alone. This is not a traditional relationship where I share all I have with my man.
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