Fulfilling Long-term Relationships
I was lucky enough to click with the very first guy I met on IE. It was short-lived and I assumed that was the nature of liaisons on a married dating site. This time I found another lover…and it’s been going strong for several years!!! We’re not in love, but we are completely in lust ….still!! Have others found similarly fulfilling long-term relationships here?
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Comments (99)
Paula99 - 15 Feb, 2024 - 12:45PM
R Deckard..
That’s a common problem on IE ..but if it was me and my guy wanted another person involved then I wouldn’t let him delegate it to me no matter what excuse …If he/she wants ‘ a third person’ then he/she should do the investigations
If you decide to invite a ‘third/ forth person into your relationship the whole dynamic changes and this is where the fantasy outweighs the reality ..
R Deckard - 15 Feb, 2024 - 08:14AM
@Lorelai Gilmore [I prefer the old name]
After the usual exhaustive (and exhausting) IE treasure hunt, I had started a new and exciting, though physically demanding, affair with a media producer., I was over the moon. Then, on our 3rd romantic encounter, she made 2 non-negotiable requests. The first: from then on, she wanted our encounters to be an FFM. The second: she couldn't be bothered with finding the other F. The M (me) was tasked with it. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of going back to the IE treasure hunt so soon. It's not easy to find a treasure, let alone a 2nd one - and for the 2 treasures to get along. So, while I had hoped we were at the end of the beginning, it turned out to be the beginning of the end.
capitalguy3 - 08 Feb, 2024 - 11:43AM
I had a fantastic one that lasted four years. But she ended it because we enjoyed each others company so much it distracted her from finding a potential life partner.
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Marlen - 07 Feb, 2024 - 01:22AM
I've never understood the desire for a threesome, in any of its forms (FFM, MMF, FFF, MMM). Superficially, its human nature to be curious, but struggle to understand how you can split your focus across multiple partners simultaneously (most guys can't multi-task).
I'm sure it might be perceived as boring, but focusing on pleasing one partner should be sufficient? Experiencing something deeply sating and intoxicating, is far more likely to go the distance, than some quick fix, or current in vogue activity.
For those lucky enough to find a kindred spirit that nourishes that desire that isn't sated elsewhere, congratulations, there is hope for the rest of us!
boav91 - 06 Feb, 2024 - 07:11AM
Whilst the idea of a three way session sounds interesting I prefer personally one to one. I don’t like the idea of sharing someone with the person I am there to be with, I want all the attention whilst I am there in the room and all my attention focused on that one person.
I have met two people on here one did not work out that well, and whilst fun while it lasted, was a quick fling and over. I too though more that was what I expected. the second turned out to be a bit of a soul mate and lover that i had been missing and had hoped but never expected to find.. We are still only 6 months in and who knows how long it will last but all I can say is it was unexpected and very welcome. Of course connection brings challenges as has been pointed out by people wiser than I on here, but for now we are enjoying the ride as long as it can last
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Delicious Chaos - 05 Feb, 2024 - 05:28PM
For some reason this message gets into my inbox quite a lot (must be the experience in me!) ha and I always ask for the woman to make contact. If the woman is that keen she will be happy to make contact.
I’ve had one instance where the woman did message me, but I also had the guy messaging me asking if I would meet him alone, which I thought was a low blow considering the women told me she had a lot of feelings for him!
I felt it my ‘sisters’ duty to tell her exactly what was going on, which didn’t bode well with the gent in question.
I always say if that’s the way they want to go then go visit a sex club, not advertise for it on ie
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FluffyClouds - 05 Feb, 2024 - 04:11PM
Well I suppose it also depends on what 'the couple' looks like. I've been asked on here to be a third.....they both weren't my type 😂
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ExoticOrchid - 05 Feb, 2024 - 01:31PM
Paula99 - 05 Feb, 2024 - 05:24AM
Totally agree ... it's a slippery slope going down that route ... no matter how much you think you can handle it [goes for both male and female], the reality can throw up totally unexpected emotions as well as that green eyed monster rearing its head! It could work if there is just good friendship between the couple so that more intense emotions aren't involved apart from lust therefore having a third person wouldn't cause any problems.
Personally, I have absolutely no interest in another female so it would definitely have to be a MMF for me if I ever wanted to go down that route again!!!
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Paula99 - 05 Feb, 2024 - 05:24AM
Nice post Eliza Boo…
My thoughts exactly but admin didn’t print my post …it’s always always generally the man’s fantasy and the women do it to ‘please’ their guy..
If you have been approached I suggest you ask the guy if you can speak to the lady in question ..this ensures that it’s what she wants and not just being pressured into it ..
The dynamics change when there is another person involved….Beware 👍
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