Freedom Day!
Who has plans to finally go on a normal date without a mask?
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Comments (26)
windthruthetrees - 21 Jul, 2021 - 09:50PM
@ Sigmaguy
I think a huge red flag would be a bit too big for a mask
Just saying
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Sigmaguy - 21 Jul, 2021 - 05:14PM
Ok, so you're worried about a mask??? HUGE RED FLAG!!!!
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1445881 - 21 Jul, 2021 - 04:46PM
I really can't wait to meet someone here and eventually go on a date...I can't wait.
1459408 - 20 Jul, 2021 - 10:02PM
Ladies please take those masks off but of course you can keep your underwear on well some of it !! Look I just think we’ve had enough carrots dangled in front of us and other kinds of phallic symbols It’s time to break free everybody and live your lives again we’re only here once life is too short there’s a few more cliches I can throw into the mix but I won’t Women and men of IE Break free of those chains and handcuffs (those into S&M are of course exempt ) and let the sexual nourishment begin as William Shakespeare wrote hundreds of years ago is this a mask i see before me no my lord it’s your penis
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118556 - 20 Jul, 2021 - 07:41PM
241014 - 20 Jul, 2021 - 06:45PM
Just get me a lady to buy a coffee for and yep I am there
It felt very odd, almost criminal, being without a mask in the supermarket the other day
1100888 - 20 Jul, 2021 - 02:14PM
With an IE (hopefully both married) there has to be some level of trust from a health point of view, otherwise we'd have to wrap ourselves in cling film even without Covid.
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truth and logic - 20 Jul, 2021 - 12:48PM
Already been on a wonderful date no and mask is for several dates down the road(if you like like that sort of thing)if you want to kiss you need to ditch it, this is no place for the risk free and covid brainwashed(no i wont enter a keyboard war, im too busy and i dont care)
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