Do I reschedule?
I'm going on a first date (in about 15 years!) tomorrow. I've been so excited. I got my hair done this week and applied fake tan yesterday - and omg I've left it on for far too long, I'm horrified! Now I'm so nervous about meeting (I feel like I don't look my best!) - does it matter? Or should I reschedule? Help!
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Comments (63)
WestisBest - 24 Jul, 2021 - 11:27AM
Just go for it. It won’t be a deal breaker if there’s good chemistry. Good luck
Teresa di Vicenzo - 24 Jul, 2021 - 11:03AM
Go the whole hog; wear a green suit and go as an Oompa Loompa
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1117169 - 23 Jul, 2021 - 11:30PM
That's a good point.
If the fakery is so subtle that its undetectable then I suppose it does not matter. I know a lot of women, especially african women, use hair extensions / weavons very effectively and if your fake tan is so subtle that it looks natural then thats great. Its the obviously fake enhancements that many men find a turn off.
Hands up how many women would find a man with a wig ,fake tan and height enhancing shoes attractive?
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Summerbelle - 23 Jul, 2021 - 10:55PM
Chances are the fake tan will have worn off by tomorrow so I wouldn't give it a second thought. It sounds like you're just really nervous and over-thinking things. Dazzle him with your eyes and smile and he won't even notice. Go along with no expectations or preconceptions and just see what happens. Have fun!
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Realhousewife20 - 23 Jul, 2021 - 09:33PM
sportster what if you weren’t to know things were fake? This is a genuine question as I have hair extensions and unless I tell people they have no idea, I also fake tan once a week but use a really decent one and again people are very surprised when I tell them it’s not a real tan.
windthruthetrees - 23 Jul, 2021 - 08:44PM
My perspective as a man, yes I am, is that I’d be happy if you just turned up! Everything after that is a bonus. So go for it.
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1442248 - 23 Jul, 2021 - 07:11PM
Contact him and let him decide.
If it were me, would make a joke (these things happen) and move on.... although expect to have Tango ordered!!
Depends how confident you are, things come up... being pinged by the tracing app is a good excuse!
1458849 - 23 Jul, 2021 - 07:01PM
Lemon juice and sugar makes a good exfoliator, lemon juice is also a natural lightener , it will actually work to lighten your tan , and boost your confidence, at least it’s an ice breaker and conversation point , have fun
1346010 - 23 Jul, 2021 - 04:20PM
I think I would go anyway and make a joke of it, I’m sure he will find it most attractive that you can laugh at yourself. It’s a rare quality in women. Warn him though! Good luck you’ll be amazing
Perfect moments - 23 Jul, 2021 - 04:00PM
I would say go for it. Make a joke of it and just be yourself. If he cant see the funny side to it then he is not the right man for you.
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