Star signs
Has anyone else noticed just how many Scorpio star signs are on IE?
Are Scorpios more adulterous than other star signs, I wonder.. 🤔
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Comments (63)
Teresa di Vicenzo - 26 Jul, 2021 - 07:27PM
Anyway, Star Signs ..
My current lover is a Scorpio. I’m a Capricorn.
It would be interesting to hear from the admins what the ratio of scorpios is against other signs. Even if we don’t believe in such tosh it would be quite an interesting thing.
We need to collectively write a book : The Knowledge ..
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Teresa di Vicenzo - 26 Jul, 2021 - 07:24PM
truth and logic & Sportster1200L
It does depend how you define a liar. This site is aimed at Marrieds. Those people clearly are withholding the fact that they are on this site from their spouse. In effect they are lying. But are they ‘liars’? Some will be, but in my experience most are not - much ..
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1117169 - 26 Jul, 2021 - 06:27PM
@truth and logic
Whilst some dishonesty and secrecy is a basic prerequisite for having an extra marital relationship, that does not make everyone on here a liar.
I know for a fact, because of experience, that there are some very honest and truthful people on here. I have met them. There are scammers of course, but you learn to spot them very quickly.
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truth and logic - 26 Jul, 2021 - 04:40PM
no sportster, no faith, its easy to talk and say nothing or not tell the truth, everyone you meet here(including me)is a liar, we have to lie to get away with being here .Believe what you want but ask yourself if you all lie then dont be surprised when you are lied too. Its fun and sex after all not a life long commitment and we are all lie then too .I try to be truthful about who i am and what i want and hope my IE date is too, but im not surprised if they are not.SO whats your star sign honey?
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1117169 - 26 Jul, 2021 - 04:05PM
@truth and logic
If nobody told the truth on here and nobody believed anything that anyone said on here there would be communication paralysis and the site could not function and therefore could not exist.
Obviously you still have some faith in it and ( Some?) of the members or you would not be on here yourself at all.
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truth and logic - 26 Jul, 2021 - 03:17PM
@sportster Does anyone believe anything they are told on here? It would be fun to do a poll though my best lover was and state their sign. GEMINII for me, but open to chance that view.
1117169 - 26 Jul, 2021 - 11:14AM
Does anyone really believe in this?
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Bereweeke - 26 Jul, 2021 - 10:29AM
Time for you to contact the IE Support number and ask if the people who supply the IE horoscopes have done the statistics on this.
1458849 - 26 Jul, 2021 - 10:20AM
Like everyone’s honest about their age date of birth 🤣
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1444888 - 26 Jul, 2021 - 09:32AM
at truth and logic
I'm a Scorpio ....
Aries and Scorpio is typically an explosive match, and this relationship is likely to be a cross between an x-rated movie and a medieval battle. It will almost certainly make you redefine the word 'intense'. Not many signs can match you for passion or force of will, but this one can and will. :-)
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