Do we?
Do we get fussier with age? I personally think I've been more open minded the older I've gotten but my friend disagrees.
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Comments (147)
MatureWorcsBBW - 19 Aug, 2021 - 04:58PM
I think being fussy is a very good thing.
I'm far too old and worldly wise to tolerate people I'd rather not spend time with.
Who does that?
Why would you do that?
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Gormlessoaf - 14 Aug, 2021 - 04:27AM
I'm not fussy. If they actually get out of the house, they are usually worth a bonk. The rest can sit at their keyboards dreaming.
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Enigma.. - 12 Aug, 2021 - 09:11AM
Am I open minded?!? Yes... Am I fussy?!? Yes.... Am I good at detecting bullshit!?! Yes...
You have to be this site....
Am I talking about looks?!? No... Personality is more important to me.
But then... And this has me laughing because it happens on a regular basis... A lot of men on the site have “Looks unimportant” In their profile. And yet... These are the men that send a first message “What’s your photo password?!?
Kinda says it all. Naturally I send them an appropriate reply along with a no thanks 😏😂😉.
Just one of the many reasons that, I imagine, both Male and female members, are becoming more fussy ❤️
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Chezley - 11 Aug, 2021 - 07:28PM
It's like two rusty boats in a dead calm,a certainty they will drift together. Neither has power or control of themselves or their course.
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Relaxed Vibes - 06 Aug, 2021 - 10:06PM
I’ve been accused of being too fussy, I just know I need to feel that click/connection/chemistry. Still open minded though
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Juliannex - 06 Aug, 2021 - 05:57PM
I am better at spotting red flags.
I am not sure if I am less fussy, but I know I am a little bit more conscious about with whom and how I want to spend time with.
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ExoticOrchid - 06 Aug, 2021 - 01:45PM
Curious980 - 06 Aug, 2021 - 07:35AM
Youandme2 - 06 Aug, 2021 - 09:33AM
I reckon Sigmaguy lives in a fantasy world ... nothing wrong with that of course but most of us here can do without his preachings from a high horse.
As for "market value" for men increasing with age ... purleeeessee ... maybe, just maybe, only if the man has made a few million quid and becomes a sugar daddy and pay for the bimbos!!!
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Youandme2 - 06 Aug, 2021 - 09:33AM
@Sigmaguy...bit of an arrogant generalisation there. I think all the 'decent' people don't necessarily manage to find decent like-minded souls purely because it's harder to meet people and the really good ones are truly taken. I don't think 'market value' increases with age for anyone let alone men. Get real 😀
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1458849 - 06 Aug, 2021 - 07:35AM
Sigmaguy, your just not picky then , I’m sure Iv seen in some other threads some of your struggles ? . Or is it do as I say not as I do ?
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1117169 - 06 Aug, 2021 - 06:58AM
I am broader and more open minded now generally yet my basic instincts about what I find physically attractive remain unchanged. I guess they are hard wired from a very young age in everyone.
My ability to quickly suss out someone's character and personality and determine if they are genuine or have a hidden agenda, on the other hand, has improved tremendously as it does with experience.
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