Now it's the holiday season... do affairs work at this time? Anyone struggle when their I.E is on holiday? Is it considered bad form to contact them when away with their other half? And how do you stop looking for attention elsewhere if its removed at this time?!
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Comments (26)
1393321 - 14 Aug, 2021 - 09:09AM
Thanks for the clarification Gormlessoaf, I think I misread Beardandsandles' comment. You're clearly not gormless!
Gormlessoaf - 14 Aug, 2021 - 04:36AM
Rose Bud
A holiday romance usually involves two strangers meeting during that period. They have casual sex and part company. Its doesn't require jogging or extra accommodation costs.
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gemini2310 - 14 Aug, 2021 - 02:47AM
Totally agree with you I find this letter quite scary think what could happen if the one on holiday ended the affair.I think if anyone gets this obsessed it's time to hit it on the head.Family to myself with always come first before an IE.
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gemini2310 - 14 Aug, 2021 - 02:40AM
If you are seeing an IE and there on holiday with there family then they be enjoying there time with them.Also if someone needs attention from someone else I would be asking myself am I with the correct IE it's only going to be a week or two without seeing them.
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1393321 - 13 Aug, 2021 - 10:19PM
Oh my gosh, BeardandSandals! Inspired solution! So the adulterer needs to have a bonified twice daily habbit, like running, in order to get away alone to continue their affair on holiday...with the one in a separate, far away hotel room!
Beardandsandals - 13 Aug, 2021 - 09:20PM
One would expect that practised adulterers could easily fit in an anonymous extra holiday affair.
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1466006 - 13 Aug, 2021 - 08:27PM
I think if you are really into your IE and are obsessed with them that would continue over that time and the intensity would build ready for when they are back.. Checkins would be more difficult but still totally doable.
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Teresa di Vicenzo - 13 Aug, 2021 - 06:30PM
There’s no real reason why anyone should struggle while their IE is on holiday with family. We all go away with families so our IE has to endure time away from us doing the same! Of course we miss them while they’re away, but mostly a promise has been made prior them going that a meet can be arranged as a matter of urgency on their return. imagine that reunion.
As for messaging, I’d say none until you receive one from them. Then reply. But as with weekends, be sensitive to what they’re doing. Chances are they’re missing us as much as we’re missing them.
In all likelihood nothing will change affair-wise while they’re away. They’ll possibly realise why they wanted one in the first place (unsatisfactory sex, being taken for granted, lack of conversations, etc).
The OP mentions ‘looking elsewhere’ in the interim. Well, if you want to, go for it, but imagine how you’d feel if your IE did the same while you were away.
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PR_man - 13 Aug, 2021 - 06:28PM
Whether on holiday or not, any contact should be on a secure medium. Its harder to do than most seem to think - texts, IMs, etc. all have a digital footprint. Play safe!
1360266 - 13 Aug, 2021 - 05:46PM
All depends on how your relationship is with your lover? From experience, it’s that feeling of contentment when together as well as when apart that is important. Of course I missed him when he was away but I also knew how he felt about me so i didn’t feel insecure or needing attention elsewhere. As for contact-best to get that “agreed” early on so there’s no over-stepping of the boundaries.
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