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I like being a mistress...

I was married for a while and when I divorced I decided that relationships aren’t for me. I can’t be doing with all of the angst and insecurities. In 20 years I have been the mistress/lover of 4 men. I like being a mistress. Just great sex and no laundry!! Your thoughts please. X

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Comments (68)

1654086 - 07 Mar, 2024 - 10:01AM

I think the sexual side of life and spontaneity, of flirting of discovering someone can too easily be lost. To concentrate on someone's else pleasure and to shower them with praise and affection - and not have to argue about the In-laws - is surely the thing. I guess people are on here agree...:)

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1647499 - 07 Mar, 2024 - 09:21AM

I love being able to close the door of the hotel room and lock away all the stresses and strains of the real world outside. Whilst we’re together in that room it is pure escapism. That has to be good for the soul 😁

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R Deckard - 06 Mar, 2024 - 11:14PM

"Just imagine if we had the bodies we had when we met our lifetime partners"
No need to imagine! I personally have no wish to swap my current body for that of my 20s, there's no comparison.
Anyone can get their young body back (minus some hair, plus some wrinkles) with some hard work and discipline. And if they don't want to, that's absolutely fine too, especially the men! Trust me, your dad bod is fine, everyone here is purely focused on your inner beauty 😂😂!!

Jackd2024 - 06 Mar, 2024 - 11:12PM

Life is short - and I don’t say that glibly - do what makes you happy . Relationships can be hard . I love t your anolgoy…. have an affair - it’s great sex without the laundry ! Superb !!!

TJJ89_fun - 06 Mar, 2024 - 10:05PM

Love the idea that there can be someone outside of your relationship and day to day life that you just enjoy the feeling of excitement, passion and all of the good stuff with no expectation for the boring norm to set in!

One 2 one - 06 Mar, 2024 - 08:02PM

You passed the application process, please contact for an interview xx

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1494077 - 06 Mar, 2024 - 07:39PM

On the rare occasion, we strike gold, and find a lover and soulmate. I was asked if I would have married him had we met in our youth. The truth is probably not, due to societal norms. We kept to what was expected of us. But that meant that by coming together in our affair, we only saw the good in each other, and never had to argue about which in-laws to visit, what colour to paint the kitchen wall and there was always time to have lots of mind blowing sex.

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Thinkingwomanshunk - 06 Mar, 2024 - 07:10PM

When we were teenagers we often confused Lust with Love.
It's only with age and living through responsibilities, do we realise there is such a big difference. Youth is wasted on the young. Just imagine if we had the bodies we had when we met our lifetime partners but with the wisdom we had now.
Not to say I don't appreciate the body of someone my own age.
But I look back with fond memories of those 5/6 times a night sessions (ok they may have only lasted a few mins back then)

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Porto69 - 06 Mar, 2024 - 06:48PM

A ring doesn't make a soulmate.

Paula99 - 06 Mar, 2024 - 04:01PM

There are lots of ladies/men in here that are quite happy with being a mistress/lover …some have had cheating partners in the past and are separated/divorced….
The stress of this especially if you have young children in the midst of the process can put you off getting into a perminant relationship…..do they want all the hard work again when they can borrow someone else’s other half and get under the duvet 😉

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