Baby it's cold outside...
Any date ideas for the winter? Not a fan of the restaurant or drinks date so anything innovative is much appreciated!
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Comments (53)
Peaches1 - 14 Nov, 2021 - 11:52PM
EmnEm123 - 14 Nov, 2021 - 10:21PM
I was being slightly sarcastic in my response as the OP is maybe suggestive to some winter warmers. Unfortunately we've passed the 5th Nov but may I also suggest a cosy bonfire in the park 😂
1459408 - 14 Nov, 2021 - 11:18PM
Bloody hell Nadia747 looks like you were taken to the house of horrors followed by a convenient trip to the movies (porn) then let’s go clubbing to a swingers club!!! obviously everybody was getting down and shaking there ramp to the funk ? (I am not being flippant )but you have had a Big escape Nice man or not? and I am going for the not.. a home visit on your first date or on any date it’s not on don’t do it don’t go there. So it’s freezing cold no one wants to do the same old same old first date thing then head for the zoo it’s all going on there Questions like what animal do you think I look like!!! you can discuss the meeting habits of the giraffe how on earth do they do it without falling over And why are the monkeys always masturbating and the comedy of the black widow spider eating her male after they have mated (I think that Will bring a smile to some of the women faces) now let’s move onto the snakes yep there’s plenty on IE but the zoo ones are so much better So off to t
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EmnEm123 - 14 Nov, 2021 - 10:21PM
Peaches 1
Who the hell wants to go for a sauna or a sunbed on a date? (Or a leather skin inducing sunbed at any time)
You completely contradicted yourself by saying that you told your date that you're not a fan of alcohol but you accepted a glass of wine at his home, why?
Going to a bar or restaurant doesn't equal getting pissed.
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ExoticOrchid - 14 Nov, 2021 - 05:42PM
Nadia747 - 04:33PM
Was it a first meet?
If so, you were very lucky he was a "very nice man" because personally going to his house is surely very risky.
Did he ask you first if you want to watch porn? Did he ask you if you want to go to a swingers club?
Looks to me like he planned it all along and not liking restaurants was just an excuse to get you to come to his house. I'd say you have been very lucky nothing bad happened to you! 😲
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Nadia747 - 14 Nov, 2021 - 04:33PM
Oh gosh !!! I recently told my date that I am not a fan of alcohol, and he didn't going to the restaurant, went to his place and guess what ( big mistake ) I hear about manly house but
this was something from the horror movie. Deep down my heart I thought ( this is why she left you,,,I don't want to call it a pig house it won't be fair for the piglets.
Don't take me wrong to say he's a very nice man as he offered me a glass of wine but before I know I was watching ( Phono ) next minute I am the swingers club for the very first time ever
When I came back to my place ,I was left thinking about the last time I watched naughty videos and also thinking wether to visit swingers club even though I didn't do anything there
The experience was amazing but I it is very important to be honest about what you put on the profile before dragging me in to swingers.
I have no idea to give about the winter date as for me I go with the flow, but that doesn't mean I have to watch (Phono) come on a dead pe
Countess J - 13 Nov, 2021 - 08:45PM
Book a few hours on a canal boat. Be sure to pack warm blankets, a couple bottles of bubbly, caviar, fresh fruit and linen napkins.
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1352614 - 13 Nov, 2021 - 08:52AM
Attend a wine tasting, coffee tasting, or other
tasting event together.
I am sure google will help you 🤣 plenty of ideas there
1485934 - 13 Nov, 2021 - 12:36AM
1487452 - 12 Nov, 2021 - 11:55PM
Bear in mind your date should *want* to meet in a crowded public place.
If food/drink doesn’t work for you I’d try a funfair or a gallery.
silverfox531 - 12 Nov, 2021 - 11:18PM
Don’t know about you others my idea of a first date is a nice bar a couple of glasses then a good restaurant
Lot of eye gazing and fuel desires
Be a gent put her in a taxi and next meet you’ve cracked it
Oh well
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