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How quickly can a meeting become sexual?

How quickly should a meet move on to sexual contact, heavy petting inside clothing before full sex for example, and has anyne went to a meet with good intentions of not being too quick, and then got carried away with the excitement of the moment?

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Comments (165)

kinghoy44 - 13 Dec, 2021 - 10:50PM

I guess it depends on how quickly you feel there’s a connection. Or how randy you both feel, in another answer. There are no hard or fast answers, to to speak, right?

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Andyoxf - 13 Dec, 2021 - 10:50PM

All of my long term relationships became sexual on the first date. Most of those which didn't became just friendships or we didn't meet again. I can think of hardly any exceptions.

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1492359 - 13 Dec, 2021 - 10:07PM

Just as she opens her mouth to say hello, quickly put it in...

New record.

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WestisBest - 13 Dec, 2021 - 09:58PM

Like some others I think there is nothing stopping two consenting adults doing what they like. Yes it has happened to me and yes it was fun and damn intense.

We saw each other a few times and it was all good but like some relationships do it had it’s time and we parted.

But there is no should could or would to this. It’s about following your instincts and being within your own boundaries.

I think if we are honest we all want intimacy through this site so if sometimes it comes quickly that’s not eighth or wrong. Sometimes I don’t need to be Mr Right for someone just Mr Right Now I understand that.

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Macali76 - 13 Dec, 2021 - 09:06PM

If both parties consent then I believe there's no issues, we are all adults looking for similar thing

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Sunny003 - 13 Dec, 2021 - 08:58PM

I feel, we all are for some spark in the life and should be honest to ourself. If the spark is then time is not issue. It can happen anytime. 😊

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1489744 - 13 Dec, 2021 - 03:58PM

Depends on what you're both looking for and chemistry. Are you looking long term, casual or a one off. Messaging before you meet so you know the score before regarding expectations. Not everyone wants to get straight to it even if they like each other.

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Paula99 - 13 Dec, 2021 - 02:33PM

Omg so funny...love the way your mind computes...😈

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Paula99 - 13 Dec, 2021 - 02:31PM

There has to be enough chemistry to fill the ozone..and you must have done umpteen texts and phone calls for it to happen quickly...
Yes you can get carried away but for me it's like I wish it had never happened. 🙄😖
To be perfectly fair ...everyone is different and one size doesn't fit all...

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Rob180172 - 13 Dec, 2021 - 11:23AM

I think that if the two people talk enough and get comfortable with each other then if they meet up why shouldn't Heavy petting happen and maybe Sex, let's face it no one will meet until they are ready so then surely it depends on the connection on the day/night.

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