How quickly can a meeting become sexual?
How quickly should a meet move on to sexual contact, heavy petting inside clothing before full sex for example, and has anyne went to a meet with good intentions of not being too quick, and then got carried away with the excitement of the moment?
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Comments (165)
Arista - 04 Mar, 2024 - 01:31PM
What is IE protocol on inviting an IE member to one's there any expectation?
1615024 - 03 Mar, 2024 - 11:47PM
Surely IE is just that. We are all looking for a bedroom experience that is missing in our own lives. Chat a bit and then have a video call. If things click then surely the sooner one gets together and plays around the better. I liked the lady that slipped her panties off. Why not as long as there is trust and friendship and honesty?
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Madeupname99 - 03 Mar, 2024 - 07:48PM
I have experienced both ends of the spectrum (with IEs that lasted >6 months), one was very keen to jump into bed on our first meeting - which I was very surprised by!
On the other hand I had a number of coffee/drinks dates before we did anything more than hold hands or kiss.
There are no rules, only a suggestion to go with the flow, enjoy the company, move at your own pace, and never cross either's red lines
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Paula99 - 03 Mar, 2024 - 06:24PM
There are people on here that are offering sound advice and they are speaking from experience…clearly you are looking at this site and trying to be open minded which is admirable…
This site is a cross section of the population and facilitates all the undesirables behind their keyboards …
Life is for living I agree …but jumping into bed with some guy you have just met isn’t the way to go…women do have a ‘sixth sense’ and 98% of the time it’s right ..sadly 😁
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1494077 - 03 Mar, 2024 - 05:05PM
FluffyClouds - 03 Mar, 2024 - 02:43PM
Aye aye. All of that below 😊
Might be a great first meet, but something’s just not right in the follow through to make it worth progressing. Pickiness, sixth sense, or whatever you want to call it……best to trust our gut instincts.
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FluffyClouds - 03 Mar, 2024 - 02:43PM
Ssrah 2.1 -
Some people are very good at 'putting on a show' at a first meet...the players, the love bombers, the fantasists living out their fantasy world of the perfect person and perfect affair scenario, the desperados, the manipulators...even the ones who really aren't that interested in you genuinely and just want an easy leg over. Yes, they are all on this site.
For those people 'perplexed' as to why women don't jump into bed with you, maybe the woman's instincts are more 'fine tuned' and 'selective'. Maybe, they're picking up Red Flag vibes from you. Maybe they're more experienced with seeing some men for what they truly are. Maybe you just 'don't do it' for them face to face. Maybe there are elements to your personality that they can't quite 'put their finger on' but have a 'bad feeling about'.
So no, it's not straight forward...and tbh, this is supposed to be a mutually beneficial experience.... maybe she's just not seeing you providing what's she's looking for and you give off 'bad vibes
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giggly hamster - 03 Mar, 2024 - 12:25PM
"If I fancy him then I go to the loo and slip my panties off XXX"
... and just like that Leggy Shiela's inbox needed a server room all of it's own.
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Ssrah 2.1 - 03 Mar, 2024 - 12:16AM
Not sure if you're a woman or man, but if you're a man, here's my female perspective. It really depends on how the first meet goes. For me, if the connection's quick - instant, even - then there's not much point in waiting. Life can get in the way of spontaneity though, and sometimes the wait between first meeting and sex is just about making sure that's all sorted first.
Just be yourself, go with your instincts and see how you feel when you meet her.
I don't know - do men view having a sense of connection as important? I think women generally do.
Ssrah 2.1 - 02 Mar, 2024 - 11:25PM
It really depends on how the first meet goes. For me, if the connection's quick - instant, even - then there's not much point in waiting. Life can get in the way of spontaneity though, and sometimes the wait between first meeting and sex is just about making sure that's all sorted first.
Just be yourself, go with your instincts and see how you feel when you meet her.
I don't know - do men view having a sense of connection as important? I think women generally do.
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Life is a beach - 02 Mar, 2024 - 09:47PM
By experience (I am relatively new to this), I strongly feel you should meet in a public place to begin with.
I know some of you have gone straight for sex on first meet. Has it gone to a long-lasting affair? Probably not.
I spent time messaging before I first met him. We did click.
I found him very attractive from our first very first meeting!
Second meeting onwards, well, ladies don't tell 😍😈♥️
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