Am I just panicking or should I be concerned?
I’ve been chatting to a guy on here since last October, and wanted to meet him, but due to a family bereavement on his side, a meet hasn’t happened yet.
Recently I’ve really wanted to meet him, but when I mention he says he can’t, as he’s too flakey and concentrating on his family. He has a habit of going awol from chats for weeks at a time, with no word, then comes back, and expects me to be ok about that.
This week he finally decided that he’s like to meet, but I’m worried about the circumstances. The hotel he’s picked is near his workplace, but a 40min drive for me, he doesn’t want to meet for a drink first, just go straight for sex. He’s picked the day, but hasn’t even asked me if it’s convenient for me.
My intuition is telling me to be careful, but I’m not sure if I’m just nervous, as this would be my first affair.
Could anyone that has more experience offer and guidance or gut feelings on this one?
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Comments (151)
silverfox531 - 26 Feb, 2022 - 11:31AM
Well it seems to me that you should get out more often
First meet straight to hotel ?
Come on 🤔
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1455650 - 26 Feb, 2022 - 10:57AM
Your choice but anyone that flaky I would forget about and I certainly wouldn't go straight to a hotel room with someone I hadn't meet with in a coffee shop, pub etc first. You would not do that 'normally' because it's incredibly unsafe, so don't do it in terms of an affair.
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ExoticOrchid - 25 Feb, 2022 - 09:54PM
Macali76 - 08:31PM
Don't jump to conclusions without READING first ... the OP's words:
"he doesn't want to meet for a drink first, just go straight for sex"
That's the "facts" as per the OP's pos! 🙄
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1498539 - 25 Feb, 2022 - 09:12PM
Run away !
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Macali76 - 25 Feb, 2022 - 08:31PM
It's her personal.choice, if she likes him and wants to meet him. He may not be looking for sex, he may just more confortable in a hotel rather than in a bar.
They can have drinks in a hotel
Don't jump to conclusions without knowing the whole facts
1117169 - 25 Feb, 2022 - 07:41PM
You have no first hand knowledge or evidence at all to guarantee that its all lies. He may be being completely truthful. That does not mean he is not behaving badly though, but as I have said before, we only have one side of the story.
He does sound very flaky though and not worth her making any further effort to meet him or expending any more emotional energy on him.
Wanting to go straight to a sex date in a hotel without meeting beforehand is certainly horrifyingly desperate and selfish. Ugh!
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SunInFlight - 25 Feb, 2022 - 04:39PM
Don't go.. you're worth more that the way he's treating you.
Up to now I can guarantee it's all been lies.
Block him and move on..
No excuse to behave like that... manners make the man and are free.
Good luck in the future.
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1364611 - 25 Feb, 2022 - 04:28PM
And dont believe him if he says he's 6ft 2
1364611 - 25 Feb, 2022 - 04:12PM
Is his name Vladimir if so give it a miss
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