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Can attraction not just be physical?

I met a wonderful lady recently. We had been chatting for some time, and finally met up. The connection is definitely there. Things have now progressed to the bedroom. Alas physically I am disappointed. Without going into too much detail, it seems that quite a bit of padding support has been used. I really prefer a ‘good handful’. Much as I really like her, my physical desires for what constitutes a woman are not met. I feel I have been lied to, but do not want to hurt her feelings. How do I let her down gently, or do I stay, as she is very keen and I do love her personality?

Thank you for posting this. I genuinely am in a dilemma!

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Comments (200)

1506277 - 23 Mar, 2022 - 05:26PM

If you find someone perfect on here, you are indeed very lucky. I'm not perfect, and I wouldn't expect anyone else to be.

When you buy a house, you compromise, perhaps on size, or location, or layout, or ...

Why should finding a lover be any different?

Now then, where's that perfect busty blonde/redhead/brunette I'm looking for ...

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Paula99 - 23 Mar, 2022 - 05:11PM

Respect on all opinions..

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1512324 - 23 Mar, 2022 - 04:14PM

We take the OP at face value. None of us here know his or his lady’s backstory. I don’t see why we are so quick to judge. If it is a comeback for the other thread, so be it. But what if it isn’t? OP has been very complimentary, and felt he was lied to. Is he not entitled to disappointment? Have none of us here ever been disappointed on our face to face meets, having first thought we had established the perfect connection online?

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FluffyClouds - 23 Mar, 2022 - 03:41PM

Paula99 -

Whilst some may be very experienced on the affair front, many are not. Some have only had one affair, and some have never done this before. Some haven't had sex for years at home, some have occasional sex. Some have only had 1 partner or a handful they're whole life, some have had so many they have lost count. It's not a competition on who's the best.

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1483184 - 23 Mar, 2022 - 03:25PM

Emniem, I’m relatively new here , Do you know everything about everything , and everyone .because it comes across as that your name crops up time and again slapping people down with your knowledge

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Paula99 - 23 Mar, 2022 - 02:27PM

I don't think any of us are claiming to be the authority on 'having it off behind your partners back'...

We have only our experiences to date...🙄

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EmnEm123 - 23 Mar, 2022 - 01:58PM


Contrary to what you and your' 'followers' think.


Or all wisdom on affairs.

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Perfect moments - 23 Mar, 2022 - 11:59AM

Oh come on, this has to be a joke.
Is this a revenge letter from the disappointing manhood issues?
None of us are perfect .

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Enigma.. - 23 Mar, 2022 - 09:20AM

Omg… I’m actually laughing out loud here… (excuse me while a fetch a tissue).

Seriously?!? (Still sniggering away here)…

This is why most people on this site need to start being more honest… (yeah! Like that’s going to happen… lol) Profile wise… I mean.

Lying about age, weight, circumstances, jobs, hobbies, “boob size”, “dick size” and especially what you are looking for sexually will save a lot of people on here some time and, males, expense.

Ps… some of the comments below are derogatory…. 😒😠

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1483184 - 23 Mar, 2022 - 08:38AM

You look with your eyes, not your hands . As the great learned man , Peter Kay said . And on that note wd40 fit for all purposes

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