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Can attraction not just be physical?

I met a wonderful lady recently. We had been chatting for some time, and finally met up. The connection is definitely there. Things have now progressed to the bedroom. Alas physically I am disappointed. Without going into too much detail, it seems that quite a bit of padding support has been used. I really prefer a ‘good handful’. Much as I really like her, my physical desires for what constitutes a woman are not met. I feel I have been lied to, but do not want to hurt her feelings. How do I let her down gently, or do I stay, as she is very keen and I do love her personality?

Thank you for posting this. I genuinely am in a dilemma!

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Comments (200)

Suzanne1983 - 19 Mar, 2024 - 10:47AM

I wonder do you have any lumps, bumps, scares, inperfections? Because is fare as im aware we all do and as a women it makes me self conciouse of my body if a man can judge my attractivness on something like breast size when i know i have other actual inperfections.

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Suzanne1983 - 19 Mar, 2024 - 10:44AM

She clearly deserves better quite honestly.

For me as long as i find them attractive (which is different for everyone) they have a good personality and clean thats all that matters. Obviousely the sex has to be good too.
Weight isnt an issue and nore is the size of their man hood because its how they use it.

Boobs have no function so i dont get why it realy matters.

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Loopy045 - 18 Mar, 2024 - 11:30AM

For me desire comes from the mind as is reflected by the body not the other way around.

Of course there is a bare minimum of physical activeness but I have always been attracted to the sensual, tactile, playful woman even if she does not fit all standards of beauty then a cold, arrogant top model. I couldn’t even cum with such ladies. Quite embarrassing

Of course everybody is different, but size of the boobs like other matters is a detai in the big schem, we all have our preferences but making it a pre requisite or an obsession is more like fetishism.

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Life is a beach - 16 Mar, 2024 - 11:17PM

Honestly, would anyone be judging a relationship by breast size? By penis size?
What a stupid post.
If post is real, oh man leave her, she deserves someone much better than you!

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MissBrandy - 16 Mar, 2024 - 08:03PM

Sexual attraction is important in any physical relationship, however we have to be reasonable about finding someone who ticks every box for our preferences. Is breast size really a dealbreaker for you? Be mindful that you could end things now, and there's not guarantee you'll find someone 'perfect'. That being said, if you do choose to end things, do it gently and don't tell her the real reason why.

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giggly hamster - 16 Mar, 2024 - 02:36PM

I'll keep this short, otherwise someone will pull the string out of her back again.

Right.. you tell her that she's lovely but you're after someone with massive boobs.

She'll tell you she was lying when she said you had a massive dick and you both go your separate ways.

All boobs are awesome. You just have to know how to use your mouth and what to do with them.

Boomshanka. x

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1645086 - 16 Mar, 2024 - 11:42AM

This can't be a real post -surely?
If you think she is "wonderful" and "the connection is definitely there" where is the real issue? It is with you! You perhaps need to rethink your own ideal of the perfect woman as residing on page 3 of The Sun in the 1970s.
Did she get a tape measure out to measure your 'manhood' . . .?

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Thinkingwomanshunk - 15 Mar, 2024 - 11:19PM

I'd also suggest that maybe you jumped into bed too early. If you are really into each other it should not matter.
Yes I like a nice pair of boobs, but they don't define the person. The sex should be mind blowing despite boob/dick size.

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Peaches1 - 15 Mar, 2024 - 10:20PM

Very shallow. Try a man with total ED and consider you have problems!

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1652814 - 15 Mar, 2024 - 09:27PM

I genuinely feel sorry for her meeting you.

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