Can attraction not just be physical?
I met a wonderful lady recently. We had been chatting for some time, and finally met up. The connection is definitely there. Things have now progressed to the bedroom. Alas physically I am disappointed. Without going into too much detail, it seems that quite a bit of padding support has been used. I really prefer a ‘good handful’. Much as I really like her, my physical desires for what constitutes a woman are not met. I feel I have been lied to, but do not want to hurt her feelings. How do I let her down gently, or do I stay, as she is very keen and I do love her personality?
Thank you for posting this. I genuinely am in a dilemma!
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Comments (200)
1520385 - 02 May, 2022 - 05:30PM
We all have 'types' whether we admit to it or not, and certain traits, physical or personality that attract or detract. Women and men on here hopefully understand that, and you sound like you don't want to hurt her, so just be honest and say it's important for you to have a physical connection that's maybe lacking.
1490212 - 02 May, 2022 - 03:10PM
Just be honest ! Shes probably alreAdy gathered anyway !
I hate it when people say one thing and then mean another !
If you get on really well is it really that important ?
Goodkitty - 26 Apr, 2022 - 11:05AM
Raisin d’etre… friar tuck….🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I met a morbidly obese sumo who could barely walk but described as fit and played rugby.
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Raisondetre - 23 Apr, 2022 - 09:38PM
Everyone assumes that the femalemust have the perfect body....wheras we are expected to be happy with 'Friar Tuck". works both ways daaaarlings.
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Nic70 - 21 Apr, 2022 - 06:04PM
Of course it can not just be physical...that's what drove many bad and good relationships in younger days. It's all in the head, the humanity and all else least in my experience on (and off) here.
Paula99 - 21 Apr, 2022 - 02:43PM
Beeble and Blue...
You're entitled to your opinion on here...just as the women are....if you make a bold statement then the knives will come we don't all agree and it would be a bludy boring world if we did...yes the topics do get a little heated but it's a chat forum ....if you can't hack it ????
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1497533 - 21 Apr, 2022 - 09:37AM
Aziza51 - 21 Apr, 2022 - 06:29AM
I think we may have been contacted by the same person. Not even any verbal foreplay, just straight to the point 🤣🤣
1497533 - 21 Apr, 2022 - 09:31AM
Agree Fluffyclouds. But the like does appear straight after the comment.
But regardless, there is absolutely no need for the rudeness displayed by some bitter males on here.
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FluffyClouds - 21 Apr, 2022 - 09:07AM
LondonLady -
There's no way to see if anyone 'likes' their own posts on here, and in any case, people are entitled to their opinion, whether anyone else agrees with it or not is irrelevant
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