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Should I start something at work?

My colleague smiles at me a lot. We have an obvious attraction to each other. But, she's my colleague. She doesn't have a ring on her finger, which could mean she's single but it could mean she just doesn't wear a ring. My ring is tattooed on. Is this too close to home?

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Comments (206)

1527012 - 06 Jun, 2022 - 09:39PM

I'd advise don't do it. It's fun at the start then it will make work awkward.

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Paula99 - 06 Jun, 2022 - 09:36PM


Don't consider it...it rarely works out..

If he flirts with you at work then others will have noticed..

Be prepared to risk everything....your playing high stakes

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1523551 - 06 Jun, 2022 - 07:22PM

I’m in a similar situation myself, I’m married and he is living with a woman and they have children together, and we flirt outrageously with each other but he hasn’t ever stepped over the mark, however we all went out after work a couple of weeks ago and he walked me home and I think it’s just dawned on him that in that situation we can be alone and do what we want and no one would know, so he said we will get it on real soon🫰

1519510 - 06 Jun, 2022 - 10:15AM

Far too close.

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1513751 - 24 May, 2022 - 10:56AM

Tricky to answer as several questions about working situation. If you do and relationship ends, you still have to work together and could cause issues

ClassyLady77 - 24 May, 2022 - 08:14AM

Don’t go there. I presume your not single and never mess with single women. Only ends one way and never good for you.. 🤦🏼‍♀️

1482875 - 24 May, 2022 - 12:08AM


1401866 - 24 May, 2022 - 12:03AM

@ Witch 1 😂😂😂

1444888 - 23 May, 2022 - 11:53PM

I did and later married her, so yes go for it

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rarity23 - 16 May, 2022 - 01:57PM

I'd stick to keeping it a friendship, too much at stake to risk anything else.
I'm self employed and wouldn't risk getting involved with my clients for the same reason !

IE is such a good platform to find a like-minded person and with no drama, why risk it.

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