Personal Maintenance
I prefer a facially well groomed man with a beard or not. But have met men who neglect certain areas which spoils the overall effect. Ear hairs, nose hairs, blackheads, flakey skin, hair growing from top if nose. Why can't men make sure their skin, hair and nails are in check and tidy? How would they like a woman turning up with all that? Get with the maintenance programme!
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Comments (170)
Fizzy9191 - 03 Jan, 2023 - 02:39PM
I agree! A man myself with a stubble/beard and hairs dangling out your nose, ears and places where it shouldnt be, then they should go visit the local Turkish Barbers to sort that out.
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1573781 - 02 Jan, 2023 - 10:44PM
I have a thing for men in a well groomed beard, i think they look distinguished and very sexy.
Clean finger nails and no dangly bogey rusted nose hair are also appreciated
Most men do take care of themselves but it is a new age thing i guess and lots dont always have the time to do that self care
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1574051 - 02 Jan, 2023 - 08:37PM
Personal hygiene is the top of my list! Some men are jus slobs!
1010337 - 02 Jan, 2023 - 07:30PM
Any objections to a hairy tongue?
Delicious Chaos - 02 Jan, 2023 - 06:53PM
And don’t go too bad, because if your wife is not used to you grooming, then you’ll be clocked straight away
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1480089 - 02 Jan, 2023 - 06:50PM
I would look like the bees knees I love smelling good at all times I wear aftershave as if it’s gone out of fashion I shave good and make sure I’m shaved down there if you k now what I mean don’t want any hair in someone’s face do? 😂😂 as long as the bloke has made every effort and tried there best to look presentable and given them some self respect then that’s all what matters I suppose. Shineon21
Rick x
Paula99 - 02 Jan, 2023 - 06:31PM
Personal grooming is good but you don’t need to go OTT or do you need to be in denial that you don’t have to groom …everything is in moderation …
Shower gel …shave …aftershave….no Father Christmas beards .. have them shaped and cut regularly.. no need to be lazy in terms of grooming ..ear and nose hair is not acceptable..but you don’t need to wax the chest .🙄.guys look great a little rough around the edges …
Men tend to have unsightly feet ..have a pedicure… you don’t need nail varnish 🙄
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1570139 - 02 Jan, 2023 - 06:12PM
How can one expect much effort when they don't put any themselves 🙄🤷♀️
Works both ways
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Max_master - 31 Dec, 2022 - 05:34PM
First dates aside … tonight’s the new year Eve … everyone, shower well, use a nice fragrance and brush properly 😜 … party’s gonna last till early morning…. happy New Year folks!
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