Hearts and Minds
Infidelity is a dirty word? Where does it live though? In the mind or the heart? This site is witness that there are many of us simply not made for monogamy, women as much as men. How many legitimately say they love their partners but...? Why should those two sides of us be incompatible?
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Comments (66)
1529855 - 23 Jun, 2022 - 09:20AM
Love for a spouse can be profound but you can still yearn for another which is mor superficial yet exciting...
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Paula99 - 23 Jun, 2022 - 05:18AM
Who knows how he was discovered?
It could have a work colleague...a friend of a friend...these days you can find anyone through the right channels...it could be someone you know...no matter how careful you think you have been...
It happened to a friend of mine..he was tired of working away all the time..simple mistake he sent a text message that was meant for his lover and it went to his wife..
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Paula99 - 22 Jun, 2022 - 08:45PM
You cant be too complacent when your having an affair...
I agree with EO....his wife may have made him block you...or he's done that to remove the evidence so his wife doesn't contact you.....nowt like a woman scorned...
Unfortunately you knew what you were getting into and so did he... clearly he has more to loose than you..
Sometimes these things have to end...😬
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Sexylady123 - 22 Jun, 2022 - 08:35PM
I need to block him and move on. He is selfish and obviously had no feelings for me. Just a warm bidy
Delicious Chaos - 22 Jun, 2022 - 07:34PM
Indeed, unfortunately some blokes here just don’t have the balls to tell the truth when it comes to it.
I wish guys wouldn’t treat us females as stupid…has been known to happen 👍
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Sexylady123 - 22 Jun, 2022 - 07:31PM
I think it's true we were meant to meet yesterday. I did feel guilty whilst we were together
ExoticOrchid - 22 Jun, 2022 - 07:26PM
SV22 - 07:14PM
Good point!
As for the blocking, more than likely the wife made him do it.
Provided it's all true of course. It could even be just an excuse to end the affair. Has been known to happen. 🤔
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