First date?
What's a good first date idea? It's yonks since I've last been to a restaurant. Work and Life is just SO busy.
Is a restaurant even what you really want to do on a first date anyway?
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Comments (233)
1541695 - 19 Aug, 2022 - 09:45AM
Coffee is always the best first date. If it's clear after a few that this person is nothing like what you hoped, then you are out and away in under 20 mins. If your locked into a meal then you have to endure the horror for 2 hours.
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1494077 - 19 Aug, 2022 - 09:22AM
It can be whatever both of you want it to be - be it a 10 minute coffee, to a whole lot more. If both of you are vibing and there is a connection, hopefully you’d have already taken the time to discuss where you’d like to meet for the first time!
1540704 - 19 Aug, 2022 - 09:07AM
Wherever it is, it needs to be discreet and reasonably quiet so you can talk properly and privately. It may sound boring but a drink in a cosy pub always works for me as it's open ended, easy for either of you to end if things don't going well but equally easy to extend when you click
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