Autumn meets
Is anyone else enjoying the freedom of kids back to school and the chance to start arranging meets again? The frustration built up over the summer is about to explode :)
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Comments (148)
1528387 - 02 Sep, 2022 - 03:58PM
God yes time for fun again
1432599 - 02 Sep, 2022 - 03:32PM
@RedBaron1970 - 02 Sep, 2022 - 12:39PM
@Martini Rosso - 02 Sep, 2022 - 02:40PM
Maybe its the case that some men aren't interested in 75% of the women on here .. maybe they are looking for just that more exclusiv,e and special, 5% -and maybe the same goes for women - in which case a 95% rejection rate (that is not been contacted/replied to) is perfectly acceptable to them ...
Taste and standards ... each to their own...
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Mad World - 02 Sep, 2022 - 03:15PM
You are completely right but one has to consider that women here need Mr Jolly Rodger to be in tip top shape and good working order. Hence the older we get, the more chance of letdown at that vital moment.
I can hear all the girls as one nodding in complete agreement. It’s a tricky one I admit.
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1541695 - 02 Sep, 2022 - 02:40PM
Sorry Ted, but that takes Fake It Til Ya Make It to a whole new level.
No dude gets a 75% hit rate unless they are Brad Pitt's better looking brother
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1504076 - 02 Sep, 2022 - 02:27PM
RedBaron... 75% response to to short, cuddly body from Aberdeen?
Cool story, bro
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Paula99 - 02 Sep, 2022 - 02:02PM
The Big cheese....
You're correct about not being clear cut...!
My kids are grown up ...I didn't have the time or the bandwidth to think about another never crossed my mind...
I don't think you can 'commit' to an affair until your children are much older....children always come first and they bring other needs to the table...homework...after-school clubs...etc..I was absolutely shattered and I had good parents that helped out.....😊
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Mad World - 02 Sep, 2022 - 01:40PM
The kids are asking
‘How come you’re going out a lot more Dad?’
‘Does Mum know you’re out again tomorrow?’
‘Who will make my dinner if you’re not here? Mum is rubbish in the kitchen as you know ..’
It’s really not such a clear cut thing you see
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3rdAge - 02 Sep, 2022 - 12:55PM
Hi don’t know about kids going back to school these days but I am enjoying the freedoms associated with - at last - full retirement and good health but unfortunately not achieving many responses on her🥲
1294092 - 02 Sep, 2022 - 12:39PM
I must be one of the odd ones out. At least a 75% response to messages. Met some lovely ladies, of all ages, shapes and sizes, over the years.
Summer was no hindrance and I recently met a very wonderful woman, whilst still early days it is developing into something special.
I’m by no means an attractive guy, but if I can successfully meet women through this site, any bloke with a pulse should be able to.
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Romeo_Abz - 02 Sep, 2022 - 12:32PM
I think kids going back to school gives more chance to meet up, as most of the time there is no one to look after the kids so makes it difficult to meet but how would I know, ain't found anyone on IE yet 😂
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