How important is a good profile name and photo..?
Have you dismissed a potential IE on the basis of a terrible user name and
a profile photo? I know I have, maybe I should have given them some friendly advice?
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Comments (229)
DaytimeDreamer79 - 31 Oct, 2022 - 11:08PM
Username more than photo. Anything overly crude or sugar daddy related.
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1483842 - 31 Oct, 2022 - 11:01PM
I wouldn't use the word 'dismissed'. You see a face in a crowd, or on a train or in a magazine and WHAM! Instant attraction. It's the same with a photo. I don't want to look af a photo and go against the laws of attraction because the person may be incredibly funny/intelligent/flirty etc. That ladies and gentlemen is not going to get me or him laid.
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1560235 - 31 Oct, 2022 - 07:59PM
Lorelai Gilmore, very funny. I suppose we could use our own photos but us men are lazy as shit and just click on the first thing presented to us.
I can't help thinking you are a teacher.
Before Sunrise - 30 Oct, 2022 - 06:12PM
I have never screened out on the basis of name alone, except when "Cleverlady1965" claims to be 40 years old...(the offending feature not being her age, of course)
As for profiles, my friendly advice is totally biased, hopelessly out of touch with the times and unquestionably self-interested:
No text speak! [Yes, I am so old fashioned!]
No automated profiles [you can't find something interesting to say about yourself?]
Cliché statements such as: "life is too short" [never heard that before!]; "I like the finer things in life" [who doesn't!]; "I want to feel butterflies in my stomach" [eat an Actimel !]
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Paula99 - 30 Oct, 2022 - 12:16PM
Mr Williams…
You seem to have lots of fans 🎃
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Red Succubus - 30 Oct, 2022 - 08:41AM
Mr Williams…
And there was me thinking you only had eyes for me!
1551398 - 30 Oct, 2022 - 07:08AM
The avatars showing the crotch area are really off putting. Maybe they’re trying to compensate for something with that photo choice
1550369 - 30 Oct, 2022 - 06:06AM
Also, some have terrible profiles which I've instantly dismissed.
I find more information better to go on. I don't get the auto-filled ones. I prefer to read authentic profiles. Also, some don't want to share a picture nor have a video call prior to meeting. That's a massive no from me; I want to know who I'm meeting. I get a video call can be hard to schedule but it's not impossible.
mipaulac - 30 Oct, 2022 - 01:42AM
probably a missed opportunity since the real horror is a old leftard idol and similar attitude !!!
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A Piece of This - 30 Oct, 2022 - 12:07AM
Really telling everyone you have a big cock is a really shallow opener…
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