How important is a good profile name and photo..?
Have you dismissed a potential IE on the basis of a terrible user name and
a profile photo? I know I have, maybe I should have given them some friendly advice?
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Comments (229)
FluffyClouds - 28 Oct, 2022 - 11:23AM
With regards avatars, I don't like the feet either and the tuxedo one reminds me of a butler so I just think of Jeeves and Wooster.
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1494077 - 28 Oct, 2022 - 10:25AM
My favourite avatars are probably the car on the road, the guy doing a wee hike with his dog and the skiier. Accompanied by a well written profile and message - it is a sure hit for a positive reply 😎
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1447655 - 28 Oct, 2022 - 10:00AM
More terrible Avitars...
The guy at the front of the boat - makes me think it's Lieutenant Dan Taylor from Forrest Gump!
The guy with the cocktail in his hand - it's laced with rohypnol, isn't it?!
Scooter - he's a pizza delivery boy...
I hope I.E admin are working on creating some new ones! The skier and the sepia torso (da vinci man) seem to hit the right note.
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All Day Breakfast - 28 Oct, 2022 - 05:36AM
Fluffy Clouds
8 years is quite a big gap when you’re 20. In my early 20s a 30yo woman seemed like another country … exotic and unfamiliar territory
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mipaulac - 27 Oct, 2022 - 09:49PM
we've all done mine was being too OCD over a gf in the 1990's she use to get in touch saying how she felt she had made a mistake listening to her Mum.
This lady latched on to me in tears, as walked down the road after earlier pulling her out of a drunken confrontation. She's new to the area after being moved because of dv and I've since found out she's been attacked by some younger bloke she was seeing for a few days up here. So all pretty mad
mipaulac - 27 Oct, 2022 - 09:31PM
just a friend with benefits who lets you ride on top ? ! :-)
Control and jealousy can be very off putting for men too although we all get a little set in our ways as we get older
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FluffyClouds - 27 Oct, 2022 - 09:05PM
Mipaulac -
When I was 20 there was a financial consultant at another firm who sounded really gorgeous. He had a sexy voice and people who had met him said he was good looking. I used to love it when he rang up. A work colleague told him I fancied his voice and he rang me and asked me for a date. I went on it, 6ft 3, dark hair, brown eyes, half Italian, nice car, own house. We got on really well, but he was 8 years older than me, and at the time I thought he was too 'old' for me. He wanted to see me again and I said no. He was a really nice guy too. I think of him now and again. I'll admit, I made a mistake on that decision.
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ExoticOrchid - 27 Oct, 2022 - 07:41PM
mipaulac - 07:34PM
Indeed ... why do you think I don't want another husband!!! 🤣
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mipaulac - 27 Oct, 2022 - 07:37PM
hmmm obviously not then ;-)
If you think the're a potential shag the urg is even greater
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1529050 - 27 Oct, 2022 - 07:36PM
PeterPiper400 - 27 Oct, 2022 - 02:47PM
It’s very easy to get lost and by anonymous in London
I guess for you it would depend his frequently you wanted to meet etc
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