How important is a good profile name and photo..?
Have you dismissed a potential IE on the basis of a terrible user name and
a profile photo? I know I have, maybe I should have given them some friendly advice?
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Comments (229)
Legs&Eyes - 20 Apr, 2023 - 01:36PM
yorkieman - 20 Apr, 2023 - 11:26AM
Mr 'strong in the arm and thick in the groin'......
Is that humour? How the people of Manchester must love you!
1594063 - 20 Apr, 2023 - 11:26AM
@Legs&Eyes, can you provide your first pets name, mothers maiden name and town you were born in please. This credit card application is taking some time :-)
Legs&Eyes - 20 Apr, 2023 - 12:01AM
Ive had to live with the 69 curse my whole life, as my date of birth is 6 9 69.... I get the strangest looks in various environments when asked for date of birth!
And was overjoyed when the 69 number plates came out so I could get the private reg I wanted, haha.....
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1529050 - 19 Apr, 2023 - 09:23AM
Circe180 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 08:38PM
O god please don't worry that will never happen - just the curse (or not) of being born in 1969 ....
1590175 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 08:38PM
Dotty G
No please dont change your lovely name to DottyGreen69 - dont go there!!!!
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1529050 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 08:33PM
Lord Flashheart - 18 Apr, 2023 - 06:16PM
Me too 😂😂
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1587581 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 06:16PM
I was actually born in 69.....I make a point if not using that in potential log ins......
1408586 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 01:55PM
I quite like the squirt king type usernames. Saves me having to click on the profile!
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1594063 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 12:10PM
Squirtking69 sounds like a right lad.
I feel sorry for anyone called Justin - it puts them at a disadvantage straightaway.
1529050 - 18 Apr, 2023 - 09:33AM
Jakthelad69 just checked out this 73 year old from Cornwall.... sigh
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