How important is a good profile name and photo..?
Have you dismissed a potential IE on the basis of a terrible user name and
a profile photo? I know I have, maybe I should have given them some friendly advice?
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Comments (229)
1569051 - 20 Feb, 2023 - 11:28AM
Personally I'm very disappointed no lady has used the username legsakimbo, very disappointed in this site 😉😄
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1408586 - 20 Feb, 2023 - 10:07AM
I’d say most women look for any attraction from the photos first. That’s what we’re here for!
After that, I agree we look for other clues in the photo- do men NOT do this?!
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1444888 - 20 Feb, 2023 - 08:30AM
How men and women look at photos is different.
Women tend to look more for clues about the other person and how they live their life.
Men tend to look more at the person to see whether they are attracted to them.
All genders tend to look for whether a person looks friendly, approachable… and most importantly normal! (for the record I am!)
It’s important to most people to check out whether the person looks like someone you could spend time with and if there is consistency throughout the photos.
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1408586 - 19 Feb, 2023 - 11:30AM
I love that username too!
Kitten55 - 19 Feb, 2023 - 11:22AM
I do think an interesting name can be a draw @irunwithscissors I tried to find you based on name alone but can’t.
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Kitten55 - 19 Feb, 2023 - 11:11AM
Yes- I often wonder why people do not match their ethnicity, if it is something I find instantly boring etc I have not engaged from that point. I did ask a guy why he choose a profile image that was so removed from who he was (and he was far sexier than his logo let on) but he said they were chosen for him and couldn’t change it. Now he may be right but this didn’t seem right and with his pic being so removed from him- it made me distrust the situation and I moved on. You can choose your own name so if you choose something totally off putting it is a no from the start.
Purple dreamer - 19 Feb, 2023 - 07:17AM
Think if a user name popped up in my inbox with something like suckmybigcock i might be tempted to hit delete
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1554570 - 16 Feb, 2023 - 06:23PM
Usernames are not important, photo a bit more maybe, but one of the stock pics, avatars is perfect
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