Biggest crush?
Which person of the opposite sex, throughout time, would you liked to
have had a date with and why?
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Comments (206)
kinkychap - 15 Dec, 2022 - 05:44PM
Charlotte from Lost in Translation. (Am I allowed a fictional character?).
She's beautiful of course, but it is her vulnerability and the way she slowly reveals her inner complexity that makes her so irresistible. And she's married.
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HoneyLipLover - 15 Dec, 2022 - 04:53PM
Natalie Wood, Rhoda Fleming. Eliz Taylor. Edwina who had the affair with John Major.
Welcome 80 - 15 Dec, 2022 - 12:13AM
It has to be Charlize Theron from the movie Aeon Flux.
Classy, smart, dress sense to kill.
The female fighter that I would ask to train me. Enjoy the lessons 😁
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1533992 - 13 Dec, 2022 - 10:51PM
Paula 99
Dragtastic ....... for ladies and gentlemen.........and those of you who have yet to make up your minds.........
Rufus kinky boots
Paula99 - 13 Dec, 2022 - 05:25PM
I thought I had read it wrong 😂😂😂
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1533992 - 13 Dec, 2022 - 12:12AM
Blimey no wonder u joined the Sally Army......saving fallen cross dressers
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leggysheila - 12 Dec, 2022 - 10:57PM
One of my dads mates used to wear my shortest dress when he came around for our weekend party and always made a bee line to seat on his lap x
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