Tattoos - Yes or no ?
What are your thoughts on tattoos? Do you like them or loathe them? Do you find them sexy? Would you turn someone down if they had them? Does it depend on what and where they are?
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Comments (148)
1533992 - 01 Dec, 2022 - 10:43PM
Tattoos are a personal expression of freedom ..... i dont have any but i dont mind them on a partner. A friend of mine had a mastectomy following breast cancer and was considering having a tattoo on the skin where the breast tissue had been. What a great way to express or celebrate the removal of the cancer and have no regrets about it
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Horror_Fan - 01 Dec, 2022 - 10:31PM
I have plenty, but I don't have a preference with them with regard to my partners
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NikOLo - 01 Dec, 2022 - 09:16PM
Absolutely no issue with them. Some of the art can be amazing!
I have two small ones on my shoulders so perhaps a bit biased:)
Before Sunrise - 01 Dec, 2022 - 08:36PM
An intelligent, funny, attractive lady with a tattoo is preferable to an unstable, boring, unattractive one with or without any type of tattoo!
Next topic please
1553232 - 01 Dec, 2022 - 07:43PM
Love them
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1560046 - 01 Dec, 2022 - 07:41PM
I normally like smaller tattoos on a lady but I do have a thing for one that runs down the back from the neck to the bum. I think it's the idea that you can see where it starts and you long to see where it finishes.😁
Paula99 - 01 Dec, 2022 - 07:39PM
I love tattoos on a guy but I haven’t got any myself ..and yes I would have one to cover a major scar…👍
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1553527 - 01 Dec, 2022 - 07:07PM
Maybe one on the back just above her bum for the ladies :-)
mipaulac - 01 Dec, 2022 - 06:44PM
It shouldn't really matter but there is still a negative social perception of mentality and person that have tattoos particularly conspicuous and ostentacious ones.
Being currently fashionable says enough although I really need one for pragmatic reasons........... covering a scar
1565974 - 01 Dec, 2022 - 06:32PM
Well depends sexy sleeve tattoo mega cuteness 😍
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